Barrett Hall



2 years, 9 days ago

Basic Info






Graduate Student



Barrett is a graduate student studying Arabic and teaching. He takes an assignment to live with Salim to help him with school and learn more English.

He faces inner struggles about his need to help others but also external problems concerning his ex-boyfriend and his family.


Barrett’s background is relatively unremarkable. He grew up with wealthy parents and an older brother that picked on him up until adulthood. His brother moved out of state and soon factored little in his life.

As Barrett grew older, he became more distant from his father for his restrictive views, including his disgust for LGBT+ individuals. Barrett eventually only came out as gay while away at college and only let his mother know about it.

While in college, he met and dated a classmate for a couple years until his ex attempted suicide and Barrett had him involuntarily committed to a psych ward. This made them break up on sour terms. Unfortunately, they still see each other around, and they avoid each other.


His first name, Barrett, comes from a surname probably meaning "strife" in Middle English, originally given to a quarrelsome person. His name is antithetical to his personality, much like Meyer with his first and middle names.

His last name, Hall, was once given to one who either lived in or worked in a hall (the house of a medieval noble).


Barrett is best described as an ambivert interested in both his studies and socializing. He is organized and good at managing his time which is reflected in his academic prowess. Careful and responsible, he’s also not the kind to attend rowdy college parties and would rather stay at home.

Barrett has the intense need to help others. His ex claims that he has a “savior complex” that drives him to “save” people whether they want to or not. However, he is trying to learn to not push others’ boundaries and only help if requested of him. This need may stem from his Christian upbringing, where it was drilled into his mind to always service others before the self. One of his greatest fears is appearing “selfish”.

Otherwise he is caring and understanding of others and their struggles, which made him the top candidate for housing Salim and watching over him. 


Barrett identifies as gay, but still has struggles with his feelings stemming from his Christian upbringing. His issues also meddle with how he views his relationship with Salim. He is scared to admit his romantic feelings because he views their relationship as “give-and-take” rather than an equal one. He comes to view sex as “service” to Salim to avoid feeling selfish for acting upon his desires.


Helping others, socializing, studying, autumn, Salim


Having lies and gossip spread about him, heat, his father


Appearing selfish to others, accidentally hurting others