TBN's Comments

Hey there~ I may have a character to trade if you’re interested! This is the character in question, they’re on a alt account of mine and sadly I’m not connected to them anymore.


Now if you are interested I had a question. Since Nyaberry’s worth is a tad higher could we trade characters but maybe I could have a doodle of Pangoro? Even just a silly doodle would make me so happy~ I wouldn’t mind if it’s small. Just a little something? if not I totally understand I just thought I’d ask lol I’d still like to do the trade either way~ ✨✨

I'd love to trade for Nyaberry! And I'd be happy to include an extra doodle of Pangoro for them ^^

Is there anything specific you want? Like a scenario or pose or anything?

Yayayay~ :D
Hmmm maybe them being excited~ I think that would be adorable for them! Like the expression could be they see someone they’re friends with and are excited to hang out~ awww~ pose wise maybe a stereotypical clenched hands near the face? Or just their arms in the air ready for a hug? Lol 

Ultimately it’s up to you. I’m happy with anything c:

Aa sure thing!

Do you want to do the trade now, and just have me send the doodle later, or do you wanna hold off on trading until the art is done? : oc

Scratch that, I've already finished the doodle KUJGHG 

It's uploaded to the gallery and Pangoro's ready to be traded ^w^

Oh my gosh too cute! and I'm sorry for the wait, my electricity has been acting silly today. But I will start the trade in a sec~ thank you so much~

I'm glad you like it! N' no worries, I understand ^^

Enjoy your Pangoro!

Aaaaa so cute & perfect 🥰