


2 years, 9 days ago


Name: Maria

Age: 25 (appearance)

Pronouns: she/her, but is also fine with whatever

First ever Sorcerer, holder of knowledge but mostly mischief, looks unapproachable but she is nice

mischievous, liar, funny, laid back, rarely gets angry, smart, cocky, annoying(? depends on your definition of it)

shes 2000 years old (depends from what time frame we are but to the  latest one shes 2000 whatever) she is not tired from being alive shes enjoying it and living her best life, traveling and doing big magic  stuff she's normal, as much normal as you can be when you are 2000 and have seen everything. She lives, studies makes friends, dates or whatever people do these days, is mesmerized by patterns and how everything repeats, fascinated by computers and modern phones, casual radio enjoyer.

Casually makes friends with people (she lives like 10-30 years in the same city then moves out)

only lasting relationships she has are with the 3 divine sorcerers and a long standing family of outstanding thaumaturges

  1. fight fight with the Crocodile, she hates it because why wouldn't  she, another immortal sorcerer? annoying time. they are actually able to be in the same room without fighting, they know when and where to be civil and responsible and sometimes even friendly !!!
  2. huge gigantic cringe and fail crush on Iris, it's corresponded by  her but Iris is very reserved and travels a lot so they don't spend a lot of time together but they talk, a lot an awful lot
  3. Simão is her confidant her most beloved friend, they gossip a lot and do dumb stuff together :)