Chrisstal Lastname [Marvel]



1 year, 11 months ago


Chrisstal (he/him and perhaps an occasional sexy she/her) is a superhuman with serious volume control issues. If he whispers something to you and you can't quite make it out, there's a chance that the words completely bypassed you and are instead echoing someplace miles away. Every time he yells or cries out the soundwaves will physically manifest and propel him into the air. And worst of all, everything he hears is so, so loud. Not fun!!

He has virtually no interest in learning to control these powers or using them to help others... well, at least at first. It turns out that if you live in New York City and find yourself in harm's way enough times, a hot superhero coming to your rescue can convince you to do just about anything. So, it's possible that he could be persuaded to take a lesson or two from a wizard or a synthezoid...