Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Content Warning

Please proceed with caution, this profile contains the following elements:

  • Substance Abuse & Use - this includes recreational drugs, hard drugs, liqour, and substances used for dubious purposes
  • Psychological Manipulation & Torture - this includes instances of stalking, harassment, gaslighting, narcissistic tendencies, etc.
  • Physical/Sexual Abuse & Abduction - this includes physical violence and sexual violence/harassment, as well as abduction
  • Time Accurate Violence & Prejudice - this includes references to time accurate ideals such as racism, homophobia, classism, etc.
  • Extreme Horror & Gore Elements - this includes indepth descriptions of body horror, physical torture, cryptid creatures, murder, etc.
  • Dubious Content & Dead Dove: DO NOT EAT - this includes extremely morally incorrect content, and covers things not listed above

Before you follow/Interact

I am an adult who writes about whatever topics I wish to, and sometimes these topics can be triggering to some individuals - I will not be tagging every trigger that an individual may have, I will tag what I feel needs to be tagged as a courtesy. That being said, if I miss something that absolutely needs to be tagged, please leave a comment to let me know.

However, despite writing about these topics, I DO NOT support the actions I write about and prefer to use my skills to showcase what individuals go through in life. All actions I lend my support to are morally correct, or are tied to recognized DSM-5 mental illnesses as only some of these can be managed by medication and/or various forms of therapy. Finally, I am not an individual who keeps up with eveything that occurs on my, nor do I keep up with drama involving people I will never know on more than an online level. If someone is blatantly a problematic person then I will always block them, and I block very liberally in all circumstances due to wanting to keep my peace - not my circus, not my monkeys. I encourage individuals to do the same, as feeling torment due to online situations and drama is not worth losing the peace of mind over and dealing with the lasting mental repercussions that can occur due to this. Overall, if there is something I don't address here, feel free to comment and ask about it - I will answer when I find the time to.

Do Not Interact

Never interact with me or my characters if you:

  • Actively ship any relationship that involves an adult & a child - it is WRONG
  • Actively ship any relationship that involves bestiality - it is WRONG
  • Refuse to acknowledge that an asexual/aromantic person can have a relationship & still be asexual/aromantic
  • Refuse to acknowledge that a bisexual/biromantic person can have a hetero-relationship & still be bisexual/biromanti


You may interact, but I will be wary of you if you:

  • Actively harass individuals who ship non-illegal problematic ships
  • Actively harass those who separate reality from fiction - not everyone can do this, there are those who can
  • Interact with problematic individuals - I give leniency in the event that an individual isn't aware of this


The following users are blacklisted:

  • username (optional reason)
  • username (optional reason)
  • username (optional reason)
  • username (optional reason)
  • username (optional reason)


These are general permissions for all of my characters, however, all characters will have specific permissions and warnings on them as well - for a second layer of security for everyone who stumbles across my profile.

You may not

You may not do any of the following:

  • Create ship art of my characters - unless commissioned or asked
  • Create NSFW art of my characters - unless commissioned or asked
  • Change any of my character's body types at all
  • Offer on characters that are not up for offers

You may

You may do any of the following:

  • Draw my characters interacting with one another
  • Draw my characters interacting with your characters
  • Offer on any characters that are in my for sale/for trade folder
  • Ask to be put on a ping list for any of my characters, unless they have a forever homed tag

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!