


2 years, 3 months ago


5'3 - 879 years old - unnamed race, basically a bipedal sphinx

he/him - gay

sphinx but bipedal. Cat everywhere but his face and his build is humanoid.

 He's literally just a menace to society. He was stuck in a talisman for hundreds of years as his species/race holds great magic potential, only aging in the few minutes he was out to do other's bidding. He's FASCINATED with phones, as he was only really used during the medieval era before his talisman capsule got lost. It got broken eventually after an earthquake, leaving him out in the modern world. Has an obsession with phones. He has a box of cracked, broken phones (his "magic light box" collection) that he's fascinated with. His hands are human shaped, but furred and with paw pads. His legs are very digitigrade humanoid, and he walks on "the tips of his toes" like a cat (though that's just his paw pads he walks on.) Very expressive, a bit broody. He is, however, generally a people pleaser, though can be a bit disobedient at times. Likes to cause minor inconveniences. Likes to sell himself off as 'not magically strong' but he does hold quite a lot of potential, he just figures if he boasts about it, he may be cursed to a talisman like before.