Dmitri Rukov



2 years, 15 days ago



I.  Name

Дми́трий Юрьевич Руков

  → Dmitri Yurievich Rukov 

       ↳ Alias: Jonathan Holt

          ↳ Codename: Аполлон (Apollo)

II. Age
34 (in 1980)

III. Birthday
August 19th, 1946

IV. Gender
Male (AMAB)

V. Orientation


I. Height
180cm / 5'11"

II. Eye Colour
Brown (Red or white eyeshine)

III. Hair Colour

IV. Ethnicity

V. Species
Vampire (Upiór subtype)


  • Carries a black umbrella on sunny days
  • Drives a 1975 black Oldsmobile Cutlass
  • Has intense scarring across the lower left side and front of his neck; always hides it with clothing
  • Speaks both English and Russian fluently
  • Masquerades as a private investigator
  • Claims to be from Spokane, Washington
  • Smokes often

D M I T R I   Y U R I E V I C H   R U K O V




+Charm (+0)


+Cool (+2)

+Sharp (+3)

+Tough (+0)

+Weird (+2)

  • Marakov Pistol (3-harm, close, reload, loud)
  • MSP Pistol (3-harm, close, silent, innocuous)
  • Umbrella Gun (3-harm close innocuous)
  • Kevlar Vest (+1 armour)



1940s - 1960s

Dmitri Yurievich Rukov was born in Leningrad, Northwestern District, USSR, on August 19th, 1946. His mother, Arina Vladimirovna Rukova, worked as a doctor after serving as a nurse in WWII, while his father, Yuri Sergeevich Rukov, worked in the militsiya after serving as a soldier. His family was considered affluent and moderately influential. As a child, Dmitri was never the ambitious type; he was studious and intelligent, but not the type to want to stand out. His interest was mainly in literature, and though he excelled in learning English from his mother, to his father, he was a disappointment. He had two younger siblings, Ivan and Anya. He grew up close to his brother, but the two of them drifted apart as they got older – and it became clear Ivan was the favourite child, expected to carry the family mantle, especially after he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a soldier. His relationship with his sister was much less fraught, with the two of them remaining close; Anya was the type to get into mischief and Dmitri was often the one to reel her back.

He left home and attended Moscow State Institute of International Relations for college to study English. It was there he met his closest friend, Ilya Mikhailovich Kiselyov. Near graduation, he was approached with an offer to join the KGB, due to his fluency in English and family reputation. Despite himself, he agreed to join, in an effort to win back his father’s favour. He recommended Ilya – who was much more politically ambitious than him but lacked familiar connections – be offered a spot as well, mainly due to their closeness, but partially out of guilt. He attended the Academy of Foreign Intelligence in Chelebityevo in 1968. His expertise was in surveillance and infiltration; he never had much interest in combat training, though he was far from bad at it. He stayed relatively focused on his career relationships versus close friendships with his classmates, mostly staying close to Ilya. He remained at the top of his class, and was given the honour of joining the First Chief Directorate as an overseas spy.

1970s - PRESENT (1980s)

In 1972, Dmitri was deployed as an illegal resident spy in New Mexico, USA, under his handler Aleksei Nikolayevich Sokolov and the callsign Apollo. He originally resided near the border between New Mexico and Nevada. His task was gaining nuclear secrets; he spent the majority of his time acting as a secretary for nuclear projects, sneaking pictures of classified documents when he got the chance. However, in 1978, he was in Vegas for work when his curiosity and better nature got the best of him – after spotting a suspicious figure slink into an alleyway, he followed, only to encounter a vampire feeding upon a human. Having no method to defend himself, the vampire was quick to attack, and tore out his throat – only he awoke the next night in the same tucked away alley, confused and dazed, with no knowledge as to how or why. What he did know, though, was that he suddenly had an overwhelming lust for blood. It was after he came to his senses and realized he had killed someone for food that he took the opportunity to flee the city, and attempt to figure out what was going on. 

Never once in the past would he have considered the supernatural legitimate by any means; unfortunately, he was now at the mercy of “supernatural investigators” to sort out what had happened to him and perhaps, how to reverse it. He quickly learned that most of those with legitimate knowledge of the supernatural were monster hunters, and likely would not take kindly to him or his plight; he bounced between towns in the pacific northwest of America to gather what information he could, then leaving before any suspicions could come up. It was familiar, but he had to grapple with the fact he was now disconnected from everyone he knew before – and needed to keep his head down, in case his employers thought he had deserted his post and would potentially betray them. 

Dmitri eventually came to terms with the fact he likely could never return to how things were before – and for this, he held a deep seeded hatred of the supernatural. In the early 1980s, Dmitri took up hunter jobs as he wandered between different places, killing whatever monsters he was tasked with for pay. It was on one of these odd jobs that he ended up in Canada, on the outskirts of Edmonton, hunting a weredeer that had been spotted around the area. It was to his surprise, after hunting it down, that he knew this monster – it was his old friend, Ilya. The reunion was, of course, bittersweet, but Dmitri was not about to kill him. Instead, he convinced Ilya to join him in monster hunting rather than continuing a career in espionage, to which Ilya reluctantly agreed. Though they still do not totally trust one another – and yet refuse to leave the other’s side. 




  • Intelligent. More street smart than book smart, but still a bit of both.
  • Observant / Perceptive. Tends to notice small details. Excellent at reading body language when it comes to lying.
  • Discreet. Generally unassuming, and keeps actions or interrogations casual.
  • Patient. Willing to wait out long periods of time if it means getting what he wants. Excellent for surveillance missions.
  • Self-reliant. Efficient when working alone or in a team. Adaptable in many different situations.
  • Composed. Cool-headed. Hard to crack under pressure in high stress situations.


  • Generally unambitious. Not one to chase power or money. Creates better relationships with those around him, but he routinely fails to gain rank in organizations. More of a follower, less of a leader. Willing to break from authority, however.
  • Appears pliable. His unassuming nature and lack of ambition makes others think he can be their pawn. Can lead to being manipulated, or manipulating those who underestimate him.
  • Friendly, but reserved. Social, but only to average ends. Tries to give little personal information. Can occasionally become a bit too formal when uncomfortable.
  • Sentimental, but forgettable. Can create strong emotional bonds with those around him, despite his deceit. A poor trait for his job. Sometimes this tests loyalty. Doesn’t particularly stand out, though, leading to often feeling like an outsider looking in.
  • Perfectionist. Diligent in anything assigned to him, but can become obsessive. Easily can be considered a workaholic. Often assigns personal value to an ability to complete jobs.


  • Manipulative / Deceptive. Willing to deceive those around him as much as necessary to meet his end goal. Harder to tell when he's genuine.
  • Immoral. Will turn to less than pleasant means to get what he wants, should it be necessary. Not a fan of turning to violence, however, but will without hesitation if needed.
  • Hypocritical. Willing to break deeply held beliefs or rules if it benefits himself in some way. Typically this manifests in his belief the supernatural should all be killed.
  • Stubborn. Tends to have a set way of doing things, but will grit his teeth and change routine as necessary. Flexibility is an asset in his work, even when it annoys him.
  • Paranoid. Often worried of being tracked or otherwise recognized as an imposter. Rarely shows it - his training dictates otherwise.
  • Jealous. Unambitious, but still unhappy or resentful when feeling inadequate.




As a vampire, Dmitri must subsist on living humans' blood. He needs to act under pressure to resist feeding whenever a perfect opportunity presents itself. He has a weakness to silver, crucifixes, holy water, and consecrated ground. His reflection appears in mirrors only during the night. He is sensitive to sunlight, but it is not fatal; staking and decapitation are the ways to kill him.


Dmitri does not age past 34, and does not sicken. Normal weaponry does minimal harm to him (1-harm less).


Dmitri uses logical reasoning, rather than overt charm, to manipulate people (+Sharp instead of +Charm).


If someone lies to him, he will know it.


Dmitri will seek out and receive someone’s honest advice on the best course of action, but then do something else instead (Mark experience in this circumstance). When doing the opposite of someone's advice, he will put extra effort in success to prove them wrong (+1 ongoing on any moves during course).


Dmitri is especially deadly when attacking from ambush, or from behind (+2 harm).


Dmitri may change his form into that of an Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo) at will. His senses and abilities likely change in this alternate form (+1 to investigate a mystery when using the form’s superior senses). 


Dmitri has a keen sense of instinct that he will often follow, even if it points him away from a specific task (when you consult your instincts about what to do next, roll +Weird). 


Dmitri is especially adept at manipulating someone (subject must act under pressure to resist request and becomes an ally), acting under pressure (do something extra, or do something to absolute perfection), investigation (additional questions may be asked), and reading bad situations (additional questions may be asked).



Note that subject is considered armed and dangerous. Proceed with caution.