
2 years, 19 days ago


Name: ???

Nickname: The Shedivak 

Age: ???

Height: 8’0

Eye color: blue and red

Hair Color: grey

House: ???

Family: ??? 

Relationship status: ???

Race: werewolf

Birthday: ???

Abilities: werewolf

Likes: ???

Hates: ??? 

Legend has it that the werewolf attacks in Timberline Falls from the 1930’s came from a creature known as The Shedivak: The Gray One. It is said that this lone werewolf decimated livestock in Timberline Falls, causing the town to fall into a famine right in the middle of the Great Depression. While some historians believe The Shedivak was merely a scary story poor parents told their hungry children as a reason for their hard luck - a metaphor for the Great Depression - others argue that the gray werewolf was real. Now with the recent increase in livestock deaths and wolf attacks, is it possible that this legend is once again coming true?