


I    H A T E    M E G A T R O N

The voice I want them to have: Thomas Borchert (Particularly his voicing in the count of monte cristo musical he did.)

Age in human terms: 27

Alt mode: F-15 Eagle (type of fighter jet)

Hight: 29' 7" (for reference the top of Starscreams head is at his shoulder)

What they would call me if we met: That B***H who F****D up his life!

Affiliation: Decepticon ( for vendetta against Megatron reasons *cough cough assassination attempts cough chough*)

personality traits: Cunning, Spiteful, Vain, Big ol softie, Persistent, Intelligent, Manipulative

Greatest Fear: Having nobody care that he exist.

Personality description: MorningBlitz is Very obsessed with killing Megatron. After an incident where he watched an assassin kill his Decepticon parents. The only thing he had to go off of was the assassin saying "Megatron sends his regards." So he has spent his a decent portion life fueling his hatred with this one quote. Every move he makes is now to settle the perceived score he has with Megatron. Before this he was a historian that took the job of Orion Pax a few millennia after he left to become Optimus prime ( after all the other replacements were crap at or left their job) and was very much was happy till the tragedy that befell him started to dictate his life. what he dictates as history is strange by most standard that historians go by but it technically is not wrong by the definition, and by his standards are as and I quote "Anything in the past." (which means those diary entry's you wrote ten seconds ago are fair game to him!) His favorite types of history are the personal, meaningless, and very much so the scandalous. (Watch out for your diary entry's he looooovvvveeesss those especially!) He will often blackmail any living party's he manages to get something they especially want to keep secret but will always give the information back once they give him all the things he wants. MorningBlitz Loves to talk about himself any chance he gets. He will jabber on for a very long time before he stops. However if you politely ask him to stop or just flat out ignore him he will stop. He is very fond of his wings and will get very mad if someone so much as brushes up against them without his permission. MorningBlitz has a fondness for life especially animals and will get mad at anyone who does not treat it with respect unless they have a good reason not too. He is often found out in nature looking for his inspiration for his poetry. Which one of his skills is being a given topic and being able to weave beautiful poetry in return. (something I used to be able to do in real life.) He often is kind to people who are in pain and is more than willing to give his more often then not, really helpful advice. MorningBlitz is very good at telling others what they want to hear to get what he wants. Spinning very intricate lies that he rarely can be caught in. How ever if you are careful and attentive you can find on occasion very small inconsistencies in his story's. He is very calculating, planning every move he makes and adapting when a wrench is thrown into those plans. This makes him very excellent at chess.  

Skills and talents: Chess, poetry, sweet talking that nice looking cookie right out a your hand, Being the definition of FABULOUS! Dancing (Particularly Latin style dance's especially Salsa, Tango, and Rumba. not to say he's less then great at any dance but his weakest style is break dancing.)