[Inju] Ekko



2 years, 1 day ago



Ekko is often viewed as polite and meek, yet insecure when giving a first impression. He’s never had a solid relationship with anyone before so he’s slow to trust, but quick to do whatever it takes to earn that trust. His words and thoughts don’t often match up, so sometimes he may say things that are strange or unsettling to others when in reality he’s just trying to convey a thought in a roundabout way and doesn’t realize he’s doing so.

Once he gets comfortable, it’s clear that he’s harmless and quite intelligent, although he tends to beat up on himself a bit. Others often won’t take what he says completely seriously, as they know that his thoughts are scattered and he’s simply vocalizing them to try and put the pieces together. Ekko is good at mediating conflict, and often has an optimistic attitude around others as he tries to lift the mood whenever possible. He can be a pushover and tends to agree with others simply to avoid conflict, unless it’s a topic he’s passionate about- and those are the only topics he will be forceful about. Despite his scattered thoughts he is quite perceptive and observant, skilled in using his speech to manipulate others into thinking a certain way. He never does so maliciously, but instead to help others reach a conclusion he already has. Most of the time, he has a cheerful and laid-back nature.

On a deeper level, Ekko is constantly confused as to why others don’t understand him. He has a lack of social awareness and insight of his own social behavior, so when someone confronts him about something he said he tends to apologize but not understand *why* he’s apologizing. Due to this, he has trouble understanding how his words affect others and can insult/make jokes at the wrong time or without intending to. He genuinely cares for others, so for them to be paranoid/afraid/angry with him hurts. He’s emotionally constipated in this manner, as he shuts himself off from feeling negative emotions when around others, but they all come rushing back when he’s alone. He simply desires to be loved and appreciated, but takes no steps to seek it out himself as he doesn’t find himself worthy of it.

*TL;DR: Paranoid, socially awkward and intelligent Inju just wants to be appreciated but is too insecure to ask for it*