Vivien Jennaria



6 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Black and White Ruffed Lemur


Male (Cis)




Name: Vivien Jennaria
--Meaning: Energetic, Full of Life,
Sex: Male (Cis)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: Oct 31, 2011
Zodiac: Scorpio
Zodiac Meaning: Transformation, change, ego-death, rebirth, transcendence; intense emotional involvement with the process of personal growth; movement from individual certainties to the "mysteries of life"; spirit breaking through the limitations of individual ego.

Intense, passionate, brooding, magnetic; stubborn, unyielding, driven by emotions; stands up for self, usually covertly, manipulates power; understands deeper layers of the psyche beyond the ego, unable to communicate this well leading to misunderstandings; intrigued by the "dark side" of life; the underground, people whose job involves going beneath surface appearances; sexuality; self-mastery, breaking free of illusory limitations, the Hero

Bloodtype: B
Bloodtype Meaning: Advantages: cheerful, outgoing, optimistic, adventurous, active, sensitive, kind
Disadvantages: forgetful, undecided, disorganized, noisy, spontaneous, prone to exaggeration

Age: 3 years, appears ~17
Height: 5'9
Weight: 160lbs
Hairstyle: fluffy, longer on the top of his head and shorter-to-near-shaved on the sides.
Hair Color: Black/white
Skin Tone:"Dark chocolate brown" with tan spots on his arms and legs

Build: Lanky-ish, athletically slim from tree climbing
Bee's Handy Dandy Chart Roll: Here

Markings: Tan stripes over the middle of his arms and legs, scars over his shoulders,

Voice: Moderately high-pitched, kind of squeaky.

Typical Outfit/Style: Very casual and loose, prefers clothing that offers lots of mobility.

Hobbies: Drawing (particularly people and portraits), architecture

Habits: curling up with his tail wrapped around his body when he's scared (occasionally leads to him tripping on his tail).

Quirks: When he's drawing he's much calmer and easier to actually talk to

Strengths:Friendly, great climber, creative and artistic,

Weaknesses: Can have low self esteem on various subjects,
Job: Works in Kai's coffee shop
Education: Facility education only

Goals in life: Chill, take life easy, find his own direction, etc. etc.

Samantha - Keeper
Kai Jennaria - Adoptive "Mother"
Kamar Forret - Aunt
David Forret - Uncle (by law)

Relationship Status: Dating (?) Sevana - Samsap

Previous Partner(s)
Tequila - Short-term/one night stand(?) - Star Rice

Hartwin - Star Rice
Teodoro - Star Rice
Tequila - Star Rice
Sevana - Samsap

Beast/Adam - ARC
Merrick - Kira

Itzal - Starrice

    Vivien is mainly a social butterfly- he enjoys meeting new people, talking to all people, and just being around people. He makes friends easily and fast due to his extremely agreeable traits. It takes a lot to make Vivien angry. He does occasionally experience bouts of depression and anxiety; he frequently battles low self-esteem.
    Despite this, Vivien is sociable, friendly, and very supportive of others. He holds his friends very closely and protects them fiercely. He is frequently the peacemaker of a group.

Other Stuff
In Homestuck, Vivien would be a Prince of Space