


2 years, 18 days ago


Peony Grey, male, 47 years old, 190 cm tall

Peony Grey, more known simply as Dr. Peony, is the owner and head scientist of Apollon Labs, an organization focused on exploring the human body and pushing it's limits beyond anything previously imagined.

Infamous for his sadistic approach to research, as well as generally dubious practices, one would wonder how a man like this is still in the position of so much power. However, his status, alongside his connections to powerful people in both official scientific circles as well as the underworld and various black markets have ensured that he will not be dethroned for quite a while.

An incredibly cruel man with little regard for anyone's mental and physical well-being, Peony views humans as mere toys for his amusement, and will not hesitate to manipulate and backstab anyone to  get what he wants. Cold and calculating, Peony is a very smart man who  knows what he wants and how to get it.

Despite his despicable nature, he hides it all under a friendly and charming facade — one which any decently intelligent person will be quick to see through.


Appearance description:

Peony is a brown skinned man with a thin but rather tall build. His  hair is various shades of brown with grey streaks, is styled in a messy  ponytail and reaches just above his shoulder blades. His eyes are yellow with no visible sclera and a vertical slit pupil - akin to that of a snake. He has heavy eyebags.

Peony's face is heavily scarred, with a horizontal scar covering the width of his face in a loose upside down V shape along with two smaller vertical scars - one on his right cheek  and another just over the right corner of his lip.

He wears an off-white, slightly green spartan armour (a B-class Mjolnir) with grey and green accents and a helmet with a salad-colored visor (model VOLANT). When outside his armour, he wears a white coat with a black sleeveless turtleneck, black pants and black dress shoes underneath. As an accessory, he wears a pair of golden earrings.



Peony grew up in a relatively healthy environment. His parents cared for him and supported his budding passion for science and medicine. Greatly outdoing his peers, he took up more and more classes to keep up with his seemingly unending potential. However, even with all this mounting pressure, he has managed to not only remain largely stress-free, but also found time to play with and take care of his younger sister.

At the age of 18 he left his home to join a prestigious academy, abandoning his family and more importantly his sister, never to be heard from by them again, as he seemingly cut off all contact with them.


At the academy, Peony quickly rose up the ranks, firmly placing himself  among the most highly performing students. Teachers were quick to praise the boy for his work ethic, completely disregarding his troublesome social life. Other students often regarded Peony as a very off-putting individual with rather morbid fascinations. This resulted in him being considered an outcast, which didn't seem to bother Peony in the slightest.

A few years after his enrollment, Peony was assigned as a field medic for a certain military company in order to receive hands-on training in first aid, resuscitation and treating heavy injuries. This is where he first met Frank, whom he quickly befriended after helping the young soldier avoid almost certain death. They would then become close companions as Peony continued his education and Frank resumed his service in the army.


Having  completed his course at the academy, Peony went on to earn himself a  job at a fairly reputable medical firm. Similar to his academic life, he fairly quickly ascended the career ladder, earning himself one position after another thanks to his vast qualifications. After the head of the company mysteriously passed away, Peony suggested that he should be the one to take over operations - a decision which was supported by most other employees.

Successfully taking the helm, Peony became the youngest owner in the company's history, earning the position at only 26 years old. He did not waste any time, rebranding the company and widening it's rather narrow focus to include all kinds of research and development.


Having  complete control of Apollon Labs, Peony started to make full use of its connections, strengthening those already existing as well as establishing new ones. One of it's most notable affiliates is Charon Industries, which has requested Apollon's assistance in developing a specialized training program for it's soldiers in hopes of creating medically and genetically modified human weapons, along with some other things. The rather cruel approach that Apollon chose for it's research did not seem to bother Charon in the slightest.

Not all of Apollon's employees agreed with the direction in which it was heading, however strangely enough none of them seemed to quit. Even more oddly, the ones that showed disagreement with Peony's ways soon showed a complete change of perspective, becoming vocal supporters of his leadership - not before receiving the company's brand new full-body prosthetic upgrades completely free of charge!


At the time of Peony's rise to power, Frank was stricken with an unspecified illness, which once again ended up leaving him at death's door. Peony, being the kind friend that he is, decided to monitor  Frank's condition as well as keep him alive through any means necessary.  Looking deeper and deeper into what his dear friend was dealing with, Peony figured out a way to get rid of the disease for good, however so far has chosen to not inform Frank of it, instead regularly treating him enough to stave off the illness but still leave him in a vulnerable state in order to keep his loyalty in check.

Although not officially working for him, Frank often does odd jobs for Peony, usually in form of taking out troublesome individuals with the help of his military training. However, this is not the only service that Frank ended up doing, as soon after the little arrangement between them was established, Peony began experimenting on Frank, testing out things he's currently researching as well as just for fun,  which Frank has no choice but to go along with as it seems to be Peony's  way of taking payment for keeping him alive.


EMILY GREY - family

Peony's  younger sister and his only living relative. She seems to be the only  person that Peony genuinely cares about, showing great concern about her well-being. Without an inkling of cruelty, he treats Emily just as gently as he did back when they were children, even after their long awaited reunion decades later.

FRANK EZRA - "best friend"

Having met under fairly rough circumstances, the two hit it off surprisingly easy, growing closer over the years. However nothing is as it seems, and soon enough Frank found himself on Peony's operating table, with the latter treating him as his personal guinea pig in exchange for keeping the man alive.