


2 years, 19 days ago




extroverted . stuck-up . spoiled

"Wait til Ma hears about this!"


Life for Solana has been nothing but a piece of cake for her. With one mother being a famous star and the other being a well-known village guardian, she lives a luxurious life with her parents and brother. To her parents, she is the golden child, the favorite child. She is the popular girl that every other girl wants to be. Wanting to live up to Eclipse's status, she wanted to be a beauty and a star. Solana also has a knack for the arts, creating and selling beautiful jewelry to the other merms of the island. For now, it’s just a small business managed by her ma, Eclipse. Solana hopes for it to grow into something bigger once she grows up.

Her life only got more interesting when out of the blue, Icarus, the mysterious god of the sun, picked her to be his student. It wasn’t her plan on becoming anyone’s student but Icarus insisted. Plus, the bonus to boost her status would be wonderful. She was one of the few merms who got to get a peak inside his sanctuary, the same one the god resides in and barely leaves. There, she learns the duties and responsibilities that Icarus has, teaching her the ways of magic even when she shows no signs of her having such. Solana finds it strange that she was the one picked when it’s her brother who had the magical abilities and interests, but she doesn’t question the god’s thinking out loud. She can’t help, however, to think that not asking the god, would be a mistake, that it’ll lead her down a path she doesn’t want.


  • C Ear Vents, C Ears, R Otter Body, R Body Clouds, R Double Tails, R Wings, R Paw Wings, UR Whiskers, UR Uncharted Tail, UR Shaped Steam
  • 10$ / 1k Points, NFS


  • Jewelry
  • Shopping
  • Fashion

  • Things Not Going Her Way
  • Haters
  • Getting Dirty


Say So
Doja Cat


She was the second kit I designed


Her original name was going to be just 'Sunshine' before it was changed to Solana


The marking on her thigh is suppose to be a mixure of a sun and moon, with more of a resemblance to the sun


Her markings resemble more like Athena's markings such as the mask across her face, back, and legs, but her split coloration resembles more of Eclipse's split coloration. She also definitely has a personality closer to Eclipse's


In Solana's reference, she was suppose to have a purple and green jacket that matched her eyes, but the idea was scrapped because it didn't fit her theme



Icarus [ Mentor ]

It was like any other day working in the shop when Solana heard the faint sound of bell chimes, signaling the shop’s door opening. There she sat, working in her office, which held all the materials needed to craft her jewelry. She was in the middle of work when she could barely make out two hushed yet distinct voices. It would go on for a short period before it all went quiet. Footsteps would swiftly approach the door before it was followed by 3 gentle knocks in quick succession. Entered Tigress, insisting that a guest wanted to see her. Solana would begrudgingly leave the room to see what was the hold-up. That is when she first met the god of the sun, Icarus. That was the day when he would propose to her to be his student. The rest is history.


Eclipse [ "Ma" / Mom ]

Solana was always Eclipse’s number one fan ever since she was a little mermie. She had always aspired to grow up to be just like her ma one day. The idea of fame and constant praise always brought excitement to her. When Eclipse started to bring Solana to show her what being a model was like, she was a natural at it. Eclipse saw right away and knew she was perfect for the job. Eclipse would continue to bring her daughter to her and her sister’s gigs, letting her watch from backstage as she walked the walk. Solana enjoyed every second of it. Soon enough, she would even occasionally model on the catwalk. However, it was only for minor events and not like the huge ones like Eclipse and her sisters had. Solana could only dream of the day she would become an official model or internet sensation like her ma.


Athena [ Mother ]

Unfortunately, Solana isn’t nearly as fond of Athena compared to Eclipse. Sure, she thinks it’s cool of her to be the village guardian, but Solana wouldn’t want to have that role any other day of the week. Occasionally Athena would bring Solana on her trips around the village, but, naturally, the merm wasn’t as excited about the trip compared to the modeling gigs her ma has. The two just don’t have as much in common, which causes Solana to be a bit distant from her other mother, much to her mother's disliking. Athena naturally wants to be closer to her daughter, but, she struggles to gain her attention away from Eclipse. Solana knows this but chooses to not bother.


Étoile [ Twin Brother ]

Étoile and Solana were always very close. He could always trust his sister to be there for him. When they were little, they would always love to play dress up with eachother, and whenever the other merms tried to mess with him, Solana was there. Growing up, he always took an interest in the jewelry Solana handcrafted, praising her for her work and skill. His praises only made her more devoted to her work, even occasionally making jewelry just for Étoile. She was the first merm Étoile went to when he admitted to her he wanted to go by Étoile instead of his now dead name, Juno, and go by he/she pronouns. Solana was excited for her brother to figure out who she was and accepted him for who she is.


Tigress [ Co-Worker/Friend ]

Tigress and Solana first met when Solana started working at her future jewelry store. Tigress was more than happy to be working. The duo originally started as just co-workers. Tigress would always greet her when she came to work and always smiled at her. Solana was hesitant at first making friends with the merm, but it was only natural that the two started to bond and slowly become friends over their interests. She made work a bit more enjoyable. Tigress was probably the only merm Solana got to talk to every single day, and Solana wouldn’t complain about it.

code by 00Ishikawa00 | music player by @Bakuqou