Cat Scratch (Akui Nikushimi)



2 years, 6 days ago


MHA O'C Villain :v 

His doodles are brought to life as well as he can erase, he lost his legs do to unfortunate circumstances of kids just learning to use their quirks when he was a kid and their parents planning it as they wanted to see their children's quirks. And was left to bleed out but someone saved him before he bled out which wasn't a hero but a civilian, his voice box was unfortunately also taken and he does not have the ability to speak . So he seeks vengeance and hatred towards humans and heros. He has no voice to defend him and to speak out but he soon learns what his quirk is and decides to hide his quirk from everyone and have a second identity as Cat Scratch his villain form. He only has a limited amount of time before his creations disappear from once it's drawn. So he is very quick and mischievous when plotting.