


2 years, 29 days ago


*the tuff of fur/hair coming out of his skull is optionalย 

Name: Ryuketsu

Age: 500+

Gender: Male

Personality: ferocious, quick-tempered, cunning, strategic, instinctive, thorough

Hair Color: [Fur Color: White, Grey, Shady Purple, Light Mahogany]

Eye Color: Yellow

Love Interest: none

Likes: being full, tranquility, resting I'm the forest, exploring nature

Dislikes: being hunted by humans, hunger, unnecessary events

Species: Unknown

Hobbies: eating humans who have bloodlust intentions, roaming around, satisfying his hunger, manipulating humans

Abilities: can turn into a shadow, night vision, increased bite force, can change into smoke, telepathy, increased endurance

Family Members: Unknown

Backstory: Ryuketsu is a creature who seeks for humans who crave bloodlust and kills them. Ryuketsu has lived for multiple millennia, killing off dangerous humans in history who crave for bloodlust, for their meat and intentions satisfies his hunger. Ryuketsu possesses humanoid communication in which he can manipulate humans to do things.

Extra: Ryuketsu has been hunted down by humans for years until he was successfully hunted down in the 1700s due being ambushed by humans at night. He was thrown into a lake of sulfuric acid, causing his tail, ankle, and parts of his body to dissolve. Fortunately, he was able to find shadow and hide into a rock's shadow before being completely thrown into the lake. Afterwards, he was able to run away from them.ย