Magnus Eyavin



1 year, 11 months ago


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Magnus Eyavin

26 (CotS age) • Male • He/him

Hunter of Monsters and Glory

  • VERSE Champions of the Sky
  • FULL NAME Magnus Arik Alsfur Eyavin
  • BIRTHDAY June 16 (Gemini)
  • RACE Human
  • ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good
  • CLASS Dragon Soul Dragoon
  • BACKGROUND Monster hunter
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • BIRTHPLACE Northlander Isles
  • ANTHEM Can't Hold Me Down
  • Rowing
  • Competition
  • Tattoos
  • Dragonology
  • Hunting trips/camping
  • Worry-warts
  • Boredom
  • Humid weather
  • Secretive people
  • Being isolated


Magnus is very rambunctious and always seems to find trouble wherever he goes. He takes few things seriously and enjoys good drink, song, and laughter, but most importantly: a challenge. Magnus often shows affection for those he loves through teasing and attention, though he can sometome veer too far into the teasing if he isnt careful. When the chips are down he's always the first to dive headlong into danger, often heedless of the risks if it means he can potentially secure a victory, and in the worst case, die a hero saving someone he cares for.

His dream is for bards to tell tales of his hunts throughout time. Hero’s blood runs through his family’s veins and he's already proved himself a capable monster hunter, but he feels true glory still awaits him. That being said, this pride of his leads him to believe he's able to bring down beasts beyond his measure. His competitive streak has a habit of getting the better of him.



Magnus owes the magic nature of his dragoon abilities to the bronze dragon Ysggromir Stormheart and his offspring Arniir. While seeking shelter from a wicked storm at sea, he and his brother Arik came across a severely injured bronze dragon on a rocky island off the Sword Coast. The young dragon, Arniir, was attempting to get her horde back from a topaz dragon rival, Thrynix. Thrynix nearly slayed Arniir, and tore apart her wings in the battle. Magnus and Arik had unknowingly taken shelter in her now-destroyed lair.

Arniir had positioned her lair in a tactful spot to observe her rival. Known as "Ashengold" by locals, Thrynix had taken to laying waste to lands and communities she thought had outstayed their welcome in her territory. Arniir sought to aid the local seaside communities in their war against Thrynix. Arniir told the twins of an item in her stolen horde that could potentially restore her body. Magnus offered to go take the item from Thrynix and return it to Arniir, since Arik was previously wounded from a hunt.

On his way to the topaz dragon's lair, Magnus was approached by a large, burly traveler who talked with Magnus about his plans to fight Thrynix. The traveler gave him some experienced advice and a weathered bronze ring to hang off his lance, as well as a thin chain, telling him both items will aid his battle plan.

Magnus yearned to slay Thrynix for what she'd done to Arniir, but he had to conjure a bronze dragon's cunning and waited until she slept to carefully sneak into her percarious lair and tie her mouth closed with the chain given to him by the traveler. When she woke to battle him, the chain proved extraordinarily strong and she was unable to break free to use her dessicating breath or vicious bite. To cover his escape with the item, Magnus hurled his lance into her eye, losing his lance in the process but the weapon exploded with lightning conjured by the ring he had placed upon it, and secured his escape.

Unfortunately — and unbeknowst to Magnus until he arrived back at Arniir's lair — Thrynix had already sapped the item of its restorative power. With no means of recovering, Arniir used her dying breath to impart her draconic soul to Magnus for his valor to save her life, giving him his bronze dragoon specialties.


Ragnvald Eyavin — Father. Most would say that Magnus (and Arik) is a clone of his father in appearance only. His wild nature proved even more toruble than Vysera. He often was at odds with Ragnvald's patience. His father still managed to instill a sense of hard work in Magnus, though.

Kalda Eyavin — Mother. Kalda's endless stamina only barely was able to keep up with Magnus. The twins' birth so close to their elder sister Brina's was already a strain, but she always holds that "you were the life of the party from the day you were born"

Vysera Kasti Therena Eyavin — Eldest sister, ancestral guardian barbarian. Vysera was considerably older than Magnus as children and he often felt scorned with her getting most of the responsibility and privileges. In his eyes she was his main competition, and the two would sometimes get into childhood brawls over him "copying" her, which are remembered much more fondly as adults.

Kyris Rieddek Andas Eyavin — Older brother, seafarer conclave ranger Magnus was occasionally able to rope Kyris into pranking Vysera; it was one of the only ways the twins could pull one over on her successfully. They have a very genial relationship, though other siblings would say Magnus brings out the worst in Kyris with his instigating.

Brina Aganessa Nèl Eyavin — Younger sister, hunter conclave ranger Magnus loved to torment Brina growing up because her reactions were so severe. He's grown out of that mostly, but the two are polar opposites and dont have much in common as adults.

Arik Magnus Elyas Eyavin— Twin brother, rune knight fighter. Magnus is the unstopable force at the command of his twin brother's brainy schemes, from youth until present day (and also Arik's scapegoat). Their relationship is about 50% pulling eachothers' chains and 50% genuine camraderie. Luckily they both share the same sense of humor.

Ragna Helena Fríðr Eyavin — Younger sister, oath of glory paladin. Magnus used to tease Ranga a lot growing up for her soft disposition and weak constitution, but into adulthood he's found himself more protective of his youngest sister's optimistic and almost naive view of things.


Magnus is easy to spot with his glittering gold scale armor and dragon horn helm. He always has a rune or pattern shaved into the side of his head, and looks to show off his tattoos at any moment he can. His body has scars here and there that all have stories behind them, and he wears a bronze feather on the end of his part braid. His build is lean enough to not weigh down his jumping, but maintains visible muscle mass on his arms, core, and legs. He tends to keep his beard close-shaven around his chin and neck, and has periods of growing his deep ginger hair longer so he can braid it for a while, only to chop it short or shave a part of it again a few months later.


  • 6'4" tall, muscular and athletic build, but leaner than Arik
  • One cartalige ring and one earlobe ring in her left ear
  • Blue swallow tatoo on his right pec; gold full arm and chest sleeve on his left side; gold wing tattoos on his neck
  • LANGUAGES: Common, Draconic, Giant
  • TOOLS: Poisoner's Kit, Herbalism Kit
  • PROFICIENCIES: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Survival
  • WEAPON: Storm's Point (lance)
  • OFF-WEAPON: Spear
  • ARMOR: Mithral Half Plate
  • Magnus is an agile and deadly fighter. He uses his dragoon techniques to maximize his footwork, and with a lance at his disposal he's capable of delivering groundbreaking strikes against his foes. His bronze dragon soul makes his descent onto his targets more deadly than other dragoons, which he tries to use to his advantage by leaping off of walls for extra height. He has no spells at his disposal, but rather short magical effects he can muster to protect himself and his allies if needed and augment his attacks with lightning.
  • Sport hunting
  • Competitive rowing
  • Camping
  • Swimming & cliff diving
  • Parkour
  • Sparring / competitive dueling
  • Lucky charm (Vegvisir coin)
  • Bronze feather of Leavitation
  • Silver dragon hatchling's claw
  • Green dragon teeth, tongue, blood, and heart
  • VIRTUE Dilligence
  • SIN Pride
  • ANIMAL Timber wolf
  • FLOWER Goldenrod
  • GEMSTONE Carnelian
  • COLORS Red, bronze, gold, orange
  • LOVE LANGUAGE (GIVING) Physical touch, acts of service, gift giving
  • LOVE LANGUAGE (RECIEVING) Physical touch, gift giving

Roommate / best friend

Magnus and Finn's friendship wasn't always strong. When they first met, Magnus's intense personality lead to many fights and resentful japes with the more goodly and defensive Finn. He liked how enthusiastic Finn was about most things, though, and over time learned where the line was with his roommate which lead to more mutual ribbing between the two as well as jsut getting to know each other. Now Finn occupies a special place in his heart. While they still get into the occasional tiff, Magnus cares very much for his friend.


Roommate / distant friend

Keiran is a bit of an enigma to Magnus. While he is friendly with her and the two are glad to engage in mischief together, he never feels like he truly knows Keiran, which bothers him. He knows theres some serious past drama between her and Finn, with some of it leaking into their life together as roomamtes, but whatever he witnesses always seems to be only the aftermath of some massive tempest. While he really wants to know the full story, he knows damn well it won't be coming from Keiran.


Roommate / friend

Magnus didn't know what to make of Cheng at first, being away from the room most of the time and always hanging around the same few people constantly, but he qickly learned that he and Cheng had plenty enough in common to be friends. He enjoys Cheng's flair for the dramatic and creativity — a feature Magnus has grown to admire in his own quest for expressing his own individuality.


Soul Patron

Magnus didn't know Arniir for very long, but their short time together changed his life. He will always remember the tales Ariir told of her father's alliance to the Eyavins so many centuries ago. To this day he isn't sure what compelled him to help her, nor does he know how that wanderer in the tundra had everything he needed to significantly harm a topaz dragon, but he chalks it up to fate and a destined hero's valliance. He wishes there was more he could do to honor her and her father, the great Udinvaer, but for now the last remains of Arniir's horns affixed to his helm will be his mark of patronage. It was her final request, after all.

  • In Vysera's neck of the woods, some Northlanders can claim lineage from mytho-historic people who were aligned with mighty dragons. The Eyavin lineage — Vysera's mother's side — claims to be descended from Áska "Dovasdottir", a human raised by a silver dragon of great power, or sired by one, or hatched from a silver dragon egg, or even a dragon in disguise (any could be true, there are many versions of her myth). In some versions, she marries the sea-hero Halvar Falkand, who famously raised a crystal dragon, Vyseniir, from an egg he found ensconced in ice and was granted 500 years of life as thanks.

    This claim is somewhat confirmed by Vysera's position as the family's current ancestral guardian. While she hasn't been able to contact any relatives beyond only 3 or 4 generations before, it is a goal of hers to find out if the myths and folktales are really true. Her father's side is more famed for their shipwrights and warriors, but Vysera aims to look back there too to see if theres any forgotten legends.

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