


2 years, 17 days ago



Name Anatole
Designer Sixbane
Gender Male
ObtainedMYO event
Significant Other None
Rules Keldine rules
Species Keldine

RolePit fighter


  • Oekaki page
  • He is a fighter, but he is a willing fighter with morals. He never actually hurts anyone (At least never intentionally, though accidents sometimes happen). He's not forced to be a combatant, and if he hurts anyone he'll assuredly apologize, make sure they're doing well, and front the costs of their healing process without complaint. 

Anatole is a firey, aggressive warrior who will gladly throw his weight around to get what he wants. While he doesn't harm or take advantage of anyone, he's argumentative and hotheaded. He does his best to leave his fighting in the ring and over the years has gotten better about keeping down his temper if he's not actively sparring with someone else. He's boastful, showoffish, and loud, and tends to take over any room he's in without much regard for others. He never enters a show without a grand entrance and he wants all eyes on him as he knocks around whatever poor guy ended up his opponent for the day.

Despite his outer shell, he's not a bad guy. He never hurts anyone and he even acts fatherly towards the other fighters. Not only teaching them to fight, but helping keep their spirits up and always making sure they're alright after a battle. It's fun for him- and he never wants them to suffer as a result of it. If they don't want to be there-or are clearly not cut out for it, he'll help them leave the rings. While this is because he means well, its also just for his own good. He wants to fight other fighters, and he wants fair challenges.

He's earned a fair bit of wealth through his time as a fighter, and because of the environment he's in he interacts often with quite a few sleazy people. However, his morals are absolute, and if they don't like it- well, he'll simply leave, and take all the profit and fame with him. So needless to say, he tends to get his way, and has cleaned up the act of the business as a whole. (Even if that wasn't his real intent)


  • He will not fight someone who seems unwilling, or is backing away from him. That's a hard stop for him.
  • He's more of a showman than a fighter. He's capable of defending himself, but putting on a show by swatting someone around is the goal- not drawing actual blood

Anatole came from a rough city slums where he never knew his family or their origins. Since the days he could first remember, he's been a fighter- a scrapper who got into spats with anyone. Whether it was in real fights or just verbal altercations he had no shortage of battles to give whoever was in his way that particular day. When he was eventually given the chance to take this fight to a career- by joining the pit fighting show rings and local tournaments- he gladly obliged. Quickly skirting up the ranks to become one of the rings best and brightest.

...And it absolutely went to his head. He became a showoffish proud brute, and while he never forgot where he came from and he treats his other fighters with respect- he never wants to harm others, he doesn't always leave the best taste in people's mouths. 


  • Fighting
  • A challenge
  • Fire
  • Good showmanship

  • Poor sports
  • People being hurt
  • Unfair/rigged fights
  • Annoying fans

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.
