


2 years, 13 days ago


Name: Luke

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Species: Human 

Height: 5’9

Orientation: Homosexual (later changes to Bi)

Trait: Funny

Relationship Status: Single (changes later in future)

Living Status: Alive

About: Luke is mostly known by his peers for his funny and outstanding behavior for the constant jokes and teasing on his friends but, in reality this is only one side of his personality that‘s really reflected. No one knows his other personality traits and he tends to keep a few things secret because he feels embarrassed or ashamed to show others his interests or passions, because of this not many people know him too well. Luke is also really smart and gets good grades. Only a few peers and friends know that he is actually a nerdy gamer dude. At home he is a total geek who loves video games, comic books, and action figures. To most he is seen as a “class clown” which eventual changes  when he meets Lola, a worthy opponent at first, as they both care much about their reputations at school, which makes both Lola and Luke hate each other when being first acquainted. As for his past relationships it was quite confusing for him. He dated a few girls but never really felt quite right. He never really felt a strong connection with them which led him to believe that he was not into girls but rather into guys. However his male relationships didn’t go so well either which made him confused for a long time to what he really wanted. When meeting Lola, he found her to be bossy and egotistical as she constantly showing off and being selfish. However, after sometime has past and as he gets to know her more, he realizes he was wrong about Lola as she too struggles with how she is presented with others. Luke felt this was truly the first person he felt a deep connection but still refused to believe he liked girls but after he gave it some thought he then gives it a shot and goes out with Lola. When going out with Lola he realized that she was the one for him and learns that it is possible to like both guys and girls and labels himself as bi. It was tough understanding this concept at first, as he he‘d struggle on and off dating Lola but he finally tells her he figured out who he is and stays with Lola at the end.

Future Arc: He happily marries Lola