


2 years, 3 months ago


Name content

Former Names  Brazenkit

Gender intersex (he/it)

Orientation masculine leaning, but doesn't care about gender

Mentor Blightedhollow

Rank Healer apprentice

Residence Cavern clan

Theme content


A dark red, short tom with green eyes, and a rhino beetle horn. He has a dark red/brown strip, running from around his muzzle, up his head, and down his back and tail, it slightly going down around his shoulder area, almost as if they were the top caps of beetle wings. He has small, yellow/gold bismuth’s growing around him, two main ones on it’s chest, making a heart like shape, as well as one on the outside of each of his legs, and one under each of his eyes. His sensors and claws are a lightly grey and are iridescent in the sun.

Design notes
  • Based on a rhinosaurus beetle
  • Gems are bismuth
  • Short

As a kit and young apprentice, Brazenpaw really lives up to his name, being rash and feeding off the negative emotions of others. Beliving he was cursed, he never wollowed, but made it his mission almost to annoy, harass, and mess with others. Though he is never really physical, he is quick to tell a cat with a fear of bugs that there's one on them. He spent lots of times trying to steal gems, feathers, anything other cats had that related to the magic of the world he was born in, being the only thing he really connected to, besides being a terror on others. His favorite would be when a cat threatened to attack him, and he told them to go ahead, even sticking out his neck, just to see the uncomfortable shuffle as the other would usually be smarter then to actually atack the young cat.

Aging and maturing made him become a bit more reserved, smarter, knowing that he at least has to start acting grown to lessen suspecion on things typically blamed on him. It wasn't until he met Wildstar in a starclan dream at the moon pool that he finally did start to change. She stated that there were no such thing as a chosen can, no destinies or curses were placed on him to be an antagonist of other cat's story. Right now, his ideals and values are slowly but surely changing, now having a mission given to him by the past leader to protect the clan, his clan.

  • Unusual items
  • Gems
  • Feathers
  • Scales
  • Bones
  • Herbs
  • Generally knowing how things work
  • Not getting it's way
  • The idea of others getting close to it











Herb Knowledge






Faith in StarClan


Brazenkit was born to an old queen named Rosethorn, and a thought to be dead father Amberfoot. It was a surprise to the queen when she had birth, especially the day after her mate Amberfoot has suposidly died in a mining accident. In reality, the tom had affair after the she-cat couldn't bare any kits for him to pass on his legacy, opting to go and live in Tideclan with Rubyrine. The queen was rather distant from the kit, almost bitter, partially blaming herself for what had happened, that this was a curse from starclan, them laughing at her. It was only after Brazenkit had stopped nursing did she pass, the young one beliving she had died on purpose, that it really was he who was cursed, it who would be a bringer of misfortiune. It didn't learn much empathy, and when it tried to play with other kit's and clanmates, it was always "too rough", "too mean", it was too much.

When he became an apprentice, he started to develope more an 'evil' persona, bullying easily targeted other apprentices, and stealing things from others. He'd mainly steal gems, horns, plants, horns, feathers, scales, from other cat's of the clans, anything linked to the magical world that it lived in. It wasn't until he talked to Blightedhollow one day that it found a direction to be a healer, though this distant of a figure gave him knowlege, but not much guidance, reveiling a similar pattern of behavior. This time however, it began to be less, going more privately about his actions, picking new targets to agitate and make other's mad at the gathering.

Brazenpaw found the truth about his cheating father, he wasn't too surprised. However, finding out he had a little sibling, was quite interesting. It started to have him consider differectn aspects of life.

It wasn't until he slept at the moonpool and was visited by Wildstar, a previous leader of cavern clan, that the cat findally found something he was looking for, to be chosen, to be wanted, for a cat to come and sit next to him. He had never imagened sucha thing possible, but knew it was mainly his own fault, but didn't know if it would even be possible to change paths. The two just sat and talked for a bit, him getting the actuality that he was not truly cursed, no cat had a set plan. There was no special thing about any cat, cats were cats, none better, or worse, but simply stumbeled upon their path. Just a right place right time kind of thing for those who sucseeded and had a fulfilled life, vs those cursed to be demons, despite the anger in their hearts pulling them to such choices and paths. Their time was cut short by the leader apologizing, and asked him to protect their clan, before he was given a prophecy of their camp in a cave falling in, killing the clan ina horrific manor. He woke up terrified, but with purpose.


  • Brazen — bold and without shame.
  • Spine — a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone
  • Brazen for the other cat's boldness and lack of fear to be indubitably himself
  • Spine for that off putting feeling you get at times, a 'shiver down your spine' kind of feeling. Though it can also stand for him having quite a strong metephorical nbackbone, never backing down to anyone or anything.

Relation, †

Despised her as a kit, but as he grows wonders if there was more to her then meets the eye. Is quite confused on his thoughts on her.


His sibling, the only livng cat who he belives actually cares for him. He cares deeply for his sibling, and all though doesn't share much about his own emtions, Jasper still brightens his day, even if it's confusing to suddenly be a brother.


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