


Basic Info






Taken from the plant, Atropa belladonna. A.K.A the Deadly nightshade


Early twenties in human years

Adopted on

Aug 07, 2016




Maniplulative, cunning, selfish, distrustful


Attention, beauty, deadly nightshade


Serious relationships, not getting what she wants


Kalon #395


This one has Hair edits (common), custom ears (uncommon), shorter fur (uncommon), custom tail (common) and a custom tail shine (standard). Note that the tail shine is not a passionflower, but has similiar colors.


Belladonna is very manipulative and cunning. She's beautiful, and she knows it. Her cute yet graceful looks attracts attention from everyone. If she smiles at someone, they definitely go head over heels for her. She flaunts her beauty as a weapon and defense, using it to carry out her schemes and, if ever accused, to squeeze her way out of it.
Her schemes ranges from free meals to something more sinister like punishing someone for failing to notice her. This brews trouble everywhere she goes. Those that got caught up in her schemes as well as the police are always on the lookout for her.
Due to this, she distances herself from others and remain solitary. She never gives her trust to anyone. After all, they can be enemies in near future. Also she does not linger in one place for long time. However she's not that sad about it. Rather she sees it as a opportunity to see the world and find new ways to trick new people.

Belladonna has a love for Atropa belladonna, the deadly nightshade. Why? It was love at first sight. It has such beautiful purple flowers with its delicious looking dark purple berries. It has such seducing nature to it. Yet the Nightshade is very poisonous. Only a few berries can kill a child. It's not just the berries - the leaves, the roots and flowers are all poisonous. Yet it looks so harmless. It reminds of her so much. No, it is her, in plant form.