


2 years, 28 days ago


I'm warning you! S-stay back! Please!

Aldrich the Metal Kinisist Human
Male (He/Him)
Bisexual (Single)
5ft 2in
Timid, Selfless, Sincere


Aldrich was born in Numeria in the city of Starfall and spent most of his youth scraping up the knowledge and trash of the Technic League. He was fascinated by the technology they could produce and harvest from the Silver Mount. As a young boy he looked to the Technic League with admiration despite the hesitation from other Numerian's and the oppresive state inflicted by their manipulation of the Numeric monarch, though as a young boy he did not understand all that.

His fascination and admiration with the league led the yound Aldrich to inquire about becoming an apprentice to the league and being extremely persistant in his requests. While the league largly ignored him, eventually he recieved a summons from the league that he answered with permission from his parents. The details of the entire arrangement were somewhat vague, but Aldrich was to permitted to be a focus tester of a new product the league was planning to release.

When Aldrich arrived at the marked building he was quickly ushered inside alongside a few others to wait in a room while the next room was being prepared. Eventually his name was called and he was taken to a sterilized medical room where the next weeks of hell would begin. Unbeknownst to Aldrich and persumably the other volunteers(?), the product was more akin to a surgery that attempted to fuse the biological and mechanical. Aldrich was infected with a sort of man-made virus that used the iron in his blood as well as a connection to the plane of metal in order to transform parts of his body into armor and weaponry. The process was extremely painful and from the initial volunteers only Aldrich survived. Many of the others died from things like bloodloss and cardiac arrest; however, a few of the patients were put down due to sudden 'violent attacks' using the newfound metallic mutations.

Aldrich was slightly different though as he seemed to have little control of the metal himself. He struggled to produce any consisten measurable results; however, the metal seemed to move on its own in his case, almost automomously and behaved in a way that protected the body despite Aldrich either doing nothing or activly trying to control it. It became clear to the researchers that the virus had a primal mind of it's own in Aldrich's case. The virus saught to protect its host and came to deem the researchers as bad, so one day when they came to administer tests per usual it lashed out and slaughtered anyone who dared to enter the room using the iron from their blood to strengthen its rampage all the while Aldrich was helplessly pulled along by the snowballing web of mechnical blood steel as it slaughtered anyone who stood in the way of it and the exit.

With its overwhelming strength the virus broke itself and ALdrich out from the complex and fled into the Numerian wilderness only to collapse as Aldrich fell unconcious due to lack of blood in his system forcing the virus to retreat and sleep. When Aldrich woke up he was riddled with guilt and fear, covered in blood, and grappling with how to keep going. He arrived at perhaps choosing not to keep going and attempted to take his life; however, with each attempt the virus found a way to thwart him. Being forced to live, Aldrich wandered towards civilization again, hoping to learn to control his powers or die trying...


  • Used to love the Technic League and would often write letters and beg to be allowed to learn under their tutelage.
  • Eventually was selected to help the league focus test a new 'product;' however the product ended up being a horrifically dangerous and invasive surgery that killed most of its test subjects aside from Aldrich.
  • His body was implanted with a man-made virus that transformed iron in his blood into weaponry with the help of the gate of metal.
  • The virus in Aldrich's body had a mind of its own and killed the researchers that made Aldrich this was after deeming them as threats. Now Aldrich is forced to cope with his new reality.