cane's Comments

AWE THIS CHARACTERS LOOKS SO CUTEEE and I even love the designs you did!! and poor  cane he looks so tried and sleepy which it seem he been though so much! But beside that he seem like an interesting character ^^ but I do have a quick question is this characters for sale or you are just giving away for free bc I just wanna make sure first!! 🤧✨️✨️ 

giving away for free! ^_^

Ooo alright!!! Welp in that case I did check some info of this characters and I would like to adopt him since I did heard he love baking :"0 and ofc he does love to sleep a lot since it give me a idea which i do have a character name minty that also like to cook or baking as well so here a some info about cane and how he met Minty ^^

 Cane get a bit shy to make new friend but end up giving up so he just started to sit at the bench by himself thinking about something until Minty met cane at the park for the first time. So they did end up chatting together and then after that Cane was happy that Minty love baking since she told some info about her mother was a baker which they both have in common  and after for so long they begin baking together as close friend and then Cane get a bit sleepy a lot which he like to stay at minty place until later he can go back to his place but Cane has problems of going to sleep sometimes which is why he get tried mostly but as long he get some rest and enjoy his journey being close friend with minty then I'm sure he will try his best to be positive about it 🫶✨️

I have fun typing this!! And beside it actually help me making story that way I don't forget of what the character Personality and something we don't know much about them :D! 💫

of course i will transfer him to you! that is a very cute and cool story i like it. 

Ah tysm!! :"0!! ✨️ I will take good care of him ^^