
8 years, 7 months ago


One of the card holder offspring and thus one of the characters with the potential of falling to the Joker's Curse in the card series. Kerigan was I think the second character I made of the card holder offspring for part two of the card series, the first being her twin brother Chance.

Her original design was actually a lot more girly, shy, and younger- she was supposed to be Chance's 10 yr old sister, but became his younger twin not long after I first designed her. With the new design I gave her soon afterwards, she became like this- confident, sociable, and athletic. Her brother can hold the athletic and confidence titles, as well, but he is more introvert and a bit of a grumpy-butt.

Fun fact about Kerigan and Chance- while they are currently living with Queen and King (the Queen of Diamonds and King of Spades, aka the main King and Queen cards in the card holder series) they aren't their actual parents, rather more of adopted parents. Their original parents were two other card holders- the Queen of Clubs and the Jack of Hearts. When their parents were killed by the joker cards 8 or 9 years ago, they then came under the care of Charity (the Queen of Hearts) and E (the King of Diamonds) before King and Queen took them in not long after losing their own daughter, Orchid. After their parents died, the next Queen of Clubs became Caitlyn, who you can find in the card holders folder. The Jack of Hearts became Benjamin, who I have yet to upload to here.