


2 years, 16 days ago


Name: 02-S.DRACUN-00982
Age: 5 months
Birthday: November 22, 2021

Programmed for deep sea exploration, Manta is usually sent down into many different oceans for research, observation, data collection, and search/retrieval. Both as a job and in his spare time, Manta searches the waters for rare items that fell and got lost from old shipwrecks or little trinkets washed away at see. During travels he has stumbled upon a realm underwater that was under corruption and became one of its heroes through his elite fighting skill. He was given the praise as protector of the Sunken city, and made a choice to stay there occasionally to protect it. he is just as powerful on land and sea, though much faster in the water. Abilities: Can summon weapons and has the use of Arcai. His go to weapon is an astral staff.