


2 years, 24 days ago



no nicknames at the moment.


cisgender (she/her).

panromantic, asexual.

6 years old.

blind seawing.


seawing abilities : gills, hooked claws, webbed talons, glowscales, enhanced tail strength.

frill is curious, responsible, and honest. she’s incredibly optimistic and has a hard time being angry or hating someone. incredibly mellow, frill is not self-conscious of her blindness or scarring. it’s difficult to get under her skin, and even then, she’d be more sad than upset.

despite her typical chipper attitude, frill does still have moments of depressive episodes. in trying to stay optimistic, it often causes her to force her more negative emotions down, which occasionally boils over. she does her best for it not to slip out in the presence of others, and she uses humour to deflect.

when frill gets a good idea of an area’s layout, she can get herself around surprisingly easily. it’s easy to combat this, however, by moving things like furniture or knocking a tree over in an open area.

frill is completely blind. being born without eyes, you might think her other senses are enhanced to balance herself out, however this isn’t the case. she can’t detect presences in an open area unless it’s underwater, in which she can rely off of subtle changes in the waves to detect the vague area where someone is. it’s easy to sneak up or attack her considering she has no idea where anything would be.

frill is clumsy. very, very, very clumsy. a majority of her scars are from her own falling over or getting into fights with the wrong dragons. while underwater, despite it being easier for her to navigate, she also brushes against things like kelp, or even animals, without realizing they are in her way.