Azarus's Comments

Hi I dunno if your looking for offers for them but can I offer kegyen
and some art? I can add this little guy if you want

I do love Keygen, but Azarus isn't for offers rn, sorry! ^^' I'll message you if I ever change my mind though!


i love what you did with them!
would you be interested in this one ? ^^ ^^ can maybe do add-ons!
you can also look in the folder and ask! just a bit tentative tho!
 (sinclair, nane, amerle, and keahi are totally off-limits atm!)

Thank you I'm glad you like them!

But sadly not I don't think I'd have any use for this character I'm so sorry 😓🙏 I've checked the whole folder and oh dang you've got such amazing orkis 🥺 the ones I'd be interested are off limits tho;; thanks for offering anyways!!

it's totally fine tysm to you!! ^^
also! if you ever look for new chars or more ramuwne myos for art please let me know! your art it's so gorgeous!! ;v; 

oH? ::eyes:: I'm actually pretty much interested in ramuwne myos yes!! To you have any available atm I could offer art?

yes!! i have some available!! rares and legendaries!! ^^ feel free to dm me here or discord!! only if you're comfy with that ofc! :> Mos pal#3895

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Ahh sorry only interested in orki swaps for this baby!

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5 bjos e 2 boneco palito por elu

ok aceito passe os beijos

Oii, fico tão feliz desse fofu ter ido pra alguém que vai cuidar bem delu >w<

Essa é minha conta no Th qualquer coisa ksks se algum dia tu tiver alguma dúvida no design ou algo do tipo ;w; <3

Waaaaaa então você quem criou a fofurinha que bom que eu achei seu th!! >w< Eu vou cuidar muito bem delu pode ter certeza hihi ❤️

acho genial que vc tem um Orki eletrônico futurista e outro PAPEL