


2 years, 16 days ago


Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Shadar-Kai Elf

Age: 250

Personality: Quiet, serious, very caring and warm underneath it all

Backstory: He was a cruel and ruthless man of some sort (literally have no idea how yet), until having a near-fetah experience where he saw the Raven Queen and she declared that his time was not meant to be up yet. After becoming conscious again, he seemed to forget who he was but was sent a raven familiar by the Raven Queen to help guide him to the right path.

Additional notes:

- Aside from general Warlock magic he likes to fight using archery

- Has an unnamed Raven familiar that he can do funny magic with

- He's supposed to be buff but I'm not good at drawing muscle yet aaaahhhh

- I can't stress this enough I'm trying to harness as much Gap Moe energies with him as possible