Vino “Pops” the Tanuki



2 years, 19 days ago

Basic Info




Male (He/Him)






Eggman Empire


Welcome to the Egg Pub! Owned by the notorious Dr. Eggman himself. Come, have a seat and enjoy fine drinks, eat high quality meals, and please do not mind the amount of outlaws around you! Don’t you worry, the Pub’s manager Pops the Raccon Dog is here to make sure your experience is mostly safe~

This place is the hotspot to find any outlaw. Not a lot of places let criminals in, after all. Vino runs a tight ship around these parts. It‘s surprisingly peaceful thanks to his big “Conflict is Strictly Forbidden” rule.

They say Vino used to be Dr. Eggman’s General way back when he was still building up his territory. Where ever Eggman pointed, Vino was there to help him wipe that place out to make room for his Leader’s Empire. But after severe injuries, Vino was relocated in the tavern. You can see the remnants of Vino’s last battle on his arms, which are carelessly wrapped up.

Vino seems scary! Assuredly in person, it’s a much different story. He’s very welcoming to anyone who comes in to have a drink. It’s like all the rumors are just a schtick to immerse you in an Empire themed establishment! Well, many made that mistake before… the Tanuki has 1 (one) big rule around here. Conflict is Strictly Forbidden. Break that rule, and you‘ll be in for a rude awakening.


  • He will play against anyone who challenges him to a game of pool. It gets very interesting at the Egg Pub whenever a game happens: patrons placing bets, lots of cheers, and maybe a window breaking because someone hits a ball too hard!
  • Whiskey- Vino’s drink of choice. You can mostly find a glass sitting nearby while he cleans up around the pub after a long day. Or while he’s at his office desk looking through papers.
  • Moose Tracks ice cream is his comfort food whenever he’s feeling down. If left unchecked, Vino could eat a couple tubs of it.
  • On his days off, you can sometimes find Vino aim training. Since he practically lives at the Pub, you’ll find him enjoying this activity in the backyard.

  • They’re just scars, but for some reason Vino can still feel pain from them somedays… as if the wounds were haunting him with a curse. He hates them and he hates how much they bother him.
  • Vino gets a little ticked off whenever anyone mistakes his age by a long-shot.  He’ll pout and whine “It’s the scruffiness, isn’t it?! Does it really make me look that old??”
  • Despite being a General and now a Manager, business talk and paperwork bores him to death; often resulting in Vino nodding off during these activities.
  • He doesn’t hate singing. But whenever Sienna drags him to do a song with her on Karaoke Nights, poor Vino gets so flustered! He’ll still do it for her… if it’s a small crowd. It’s the performing in front of people aspect he doesn’t take kindly to.
  • Magic. Don’t ever talk to him about it.


Dr. Eggman:

Pine the Sable: 

Sienna Songbird:

Mr. Fortune:

Digit the Ermine:

Felix the Ferret: