
2 years, 1 month ago


doomsday is a chameleon/snake/dragon/alien... thing from a distant planet. what xe was created for no one really knows, not even xem since xe destroyed the lab immediately after waking and never went back. it is a shapeshifter with intensely strong electricity powers. it enjoys pulling the joybuzzer prank on people with its powers. it causes problems on purpose. they like to be called nicknames but are also just fine with being called by their full name. their tail is prehensile and can be drawn curled like a chameleon or unraveled like a snake. the tail is always long. their body can be any length and size. they are incredibly flexible. they have immense electricity powers that are conducted from the blue parts of their body, can shapeshift, and turn invisible. in their anthro form they can wear whatever you want unless its not a dress or skirt. you can give them any of the three eye options you want. their tongue is also very long, but can be drawn at a "normal" length. anthro form can be either plantigrade or digitigrade.