Open MYO - Tornado Foxes



2 years, 12 days ago


Welcome to Tornado Foxes' MYO! Before making your very first Tornado Fox character, please read the information below:

--- What's a Tornado Fox? ---

Tornado Foxes (Or T.F.) are a certain type of fox which can control tornadoes and / or windstorms of different kinds. They come in many types, colours, and can have multiple abilities. Their main visible difference from other foxes is their huge tornado tails, something they are proud of.

Tornado Foxes are a F2U species!

--- What types of Tornado Foxes are there? ---

There are four types:

1. Normal. These foxes have tornado tails, and can be any fox species: Red foxes, fennecs, arctic foxes, cross foxes... (Common)

2. Kitsune. These kind of foxes have tornado shaped ears and bellies which make them stand out from other T.F. and they can have multiple tails (Up to 9 tails). (Uncommon)

3. "Living Tornado". These tornado foxes are fully made of tornadoes, and are quite hard to see around. (Rare)

4. Half - Tornado. The name is self explanatory lol. These foxes can only be feral, and have the same rules as normal T.F. (Common)


Tornado Foxes' fur has a series of rules.

- On normal Tornado Foxes, the fur's color must be natural (Ex. Red / Orange, white and black for a Tornado Fox based on a red fox). Unnatural colors for their fur are not allowed (Ex. Pink), yet, they can have patters of different kinds, which can have any colour! 

- Kitsunes can either have normal fox fur colors, or unnatural ones. Patterns are also a thing here.

- Tornado - Made T.F. can only be coloured in shades of black, brown, grey, tan, or white, yet they can have shiny symbols / patterns in their head and shoulders which can have any colour.

- Eyes can be any color in all types of Tornado Foxes, and their pupils can have different shapes too! (Ex. Crosses or even whirl shaped!). Their eyes can also have different colours.

- All types of Tornado Foxes can be either feral or anthro, with the exception of Half - Tornado types. This type can only be feral.

--- What types of tails can they have? ---

All tornado foxes are know for their tails, yet, not all of them are the same:

1. Normal. Just your average tornado tail, long, wide and windy enough to suck up pretty much anything, though in some cases this tail can struggle when sucking up big objects. (Common)

2. Slim. A streamlined, thinner tornado tail which looks a lot like a fox tail. This tails are mostly seen on Kitsunes, yet other T.F. can have it too. These tails are stronger than regular ones, yet since they're thinner they can't suck up as much stuff. (Uncommon)

3. Multivortex. A strange kind of tail which is splitted in two funnels: A big one, and a small one. This kind of tail can be quite umpredictable and dangerous, and it is quite a strong one. (Uncommon)

4. "Floppy tail". The rarest of all tails, since their behaviour is quite different from others. While most tornado tails usually have the widest part facing up as the top of the tail, this one has it's wide part facing down, acting like a huge suction funnel. These tails are the widest and strongest of all of them. (Rare)


Tornado tails can only be coloured in different tones of black, grey, brown, or white. Unnatural colors are not accepted in any tail type.

--- What about paws and feet? ---

Paws and feet also have certain variety.

1. Paws:

- Normal: Just a fox paw, nothing special. (Common)

- Tornado: A paw made out of whirling winds. I don't recommend shaking a T.F.'s paw if they have this kind of paw... X3 (Uncommon)

- Tornado + Clawed: A rare type of paw which is fully made of tornadoes except for four floating, long claws. Fierce! (Rare)

2. Feet:

- Normal: Just your ordinary fox feet. (Common)

- Tornadoes: Some windy feet for some wind-loving foxes! (Uncommon)

--- What abilities can they have? ---

Tornado Foxes have quite a bunch of abilities:

- Tornado bending. All Tornado Foxes can create tornadoes of all kinds with their paws. (Common)

- Tornado transform. Some Tornado Foxes can be the eye of the storm itself by turning into twisters. It's not a common ability. (Uncommon)

- Tornado breath. Other Tornado Foxes prefer to blow tornadoes instead of turning into them. This ability is even rarer than the other one and takes years to master. (Uncommon)

- Vaccuum breath. This is an ability so rare, it is only present on one type of T.F.: Tornado - made ones!* This ability lets them inhale everything by opening their windy jaw. (Rare)

- Foxnado making. The hardest ability of them all, which consists of making small, sentient fox creatures, mostly as pals, minions, or to have some help around for expecific tasks. It is commonly seen used by Kitsunes. (Rare).


- *There are weird cases in which other types of Tornado Foxes have mastered this ability, yet it is quite weird to see.

- Tornado foxes can only have up to 4 abilities, not counting tornado bending since that one comes "stock" with all T.F.s.

--- ! Rules ! ---

Now that you've read some info about Tornado Foxes, you can make one yourself! But before that, here's some rules:

- Fox types / traces / abilities that are tagged as Common can be used by anyone without limits.

- Fox types / traces / abilities that are tagged as Uncommon can be used but anyone, but limited to only 4 characters with said type / traces / abilities.

- Fox types / traces / abilities that are marked as Rare can be used by anyone, yet limited to only 2 characters with said type / traces / abilities.

- Before making a Tornado Fox, please tell me!  To make an T.F. OC you need to fill in this bio with the details of your new friend:

Name // Tornado Fox Type // Characteristics (Includes fur colour, patterns, and if they have any especial characteristics such as special tails or paws) // Abilities // Any extra info you want to mention?

- When filled up, post it and wait until your bio is accepted. When accepted, you'll be able to create your new character! :3

- Optional: You can also send the link to your T.F. OC in the comments.

--- Registered Tornado Fox Characters ---

1. Twister. Character owned by blitzwolfie.