


2 years, 23 days ago


loser girl with a cringefail personality victim of generation trauma, she can't help but think everything bad that has ever happened to him must be a punishment from some higher power.

Her parents loved to compare her and her brother, Mirko, and that caused conflicts between them. Their relationship started to get better when liora was in middle school but he left to study something like economy in an uni far from home a year after, leaving liora scarred. When Mirko left she started to assimilate his intrests, she stole his cds and dvds, his guitar and some of his clothes.

she's paranoid and tends to always catastrophize but luckily max is there to help her think rationally. She's really grateful to her childhood friend and is always ready to return the favor; she's afraid he will realize she's a burden and leave if she doesn't do so.

To cope with her omnipresent sense of loneliness (and because of adhd) she picked up an impressive amount of hobbies, includiong: drawing, reading books and comics, watching and analyzing movies, making shirts graphics, graffiti, gardening, playing the guitar and searching for niche bands, videogames, coding, skateboarding (didn't go too well), baking (same as the last one), D&D, writing. She loves spending time outside but often forgets to.

she takes everything too personally, is afraid of dogs and loud sounds. Her autism and adhd are undiagnosed.

She met michelle towards the end of their first year of highschool and she found a girl crying in the school bathroom named michelle. She transferred to liora and max' class the following year and becoming their first official new friend since ever.

Liora is not her actual name but everyone that cares calls her that.