


1 year, 10 months ago


"biomechanic superweapon engineered with bones replaced with weapons. being extremely desperate for money, he agreed to have almost his entire skeletal system removed. fortunately, being fascinated by his "no-pain condition", a scientist gifted him the means to fight for himself by replacing the cavities in his body with weapons. even after the painful epoch with the lab and Marrow, he's still broke"

male / doesn't remember his full name

- biomechanical "superhero" modified along with Marrowto defend Earth from extradimensional threats. they've since gone rogue and began "superheroing" their own way

- half plastic and half skin and bones. his ligaments and tendons are replaced with a self-healing polymer. if they ever get severed, you can reattach them by pressing his limbs together. his cartilage is rubber silicone

- has "rivets" all over his body to keep his skin affixed

- has a higher bone density 8x than the average person. he's practically unbreakable! on the downside, they can't swim very well

- often has to get blood replacements and vitamin supplements to keep him running. Marrow helps keep track of it all

- Cavity and Marrow have a brother/sister relationship due to the trauma they've shared together. on the surface, it seems like they really, really hate each other but deep down could never live without each other

- they also have this quirk they've picked up from each other where they bite their thumb when they feel excitement or any other intense emotion. Marrow has a metal thumb guard on her right hand and Cavity has one on his left

- a bit of a normie. bullies nerds for their lunch money (Marrow is the nerd). EDM and dubstep enjoyer and a huge sneakerhead

- Marrow's kept him from accidentally killing himself a concerning amount of times

- taps his teeth together for fun when he's bored, and his joints crack all the time. just a noisy, bony guy

- wears a lot of cheesy, oversized gamer shirts he found an entire stack of them while dumpster diving. they've been on heavy rotation ever since

- he's completely normal 👍 i promise 👍

no one knows if he feels any pain. at least, it doesn't seem like it. he carries the same carefree attitude one would have if they didn't, but he always suspiciously dodges the question when asked (he doesn't actually feel pain, he's just annoyingly ambiguous about it lol. he likes the attention he gets when he pretends to have a broken leg or something)

marrow and cavity are not expected to last very long. despite this, they've lived longer than they were predicted to years ago

Zomby - The Lie

Honey Claws - Digital Animal

(dubstep/hip hop)