


2 years, 19 days ago



What is his prefered favorite food?: Malter likes any form of food, however prefers meats (red meat) over anything. If he eats too much sea food, he starts to feel ill, so he tends to avoid or eat little as possible fish.

Can Malter talk?: Yes, it took him several years to understand how to actually speak other languages, but thats a good thing he's good at learning things quickly! He can speak English, his native tongue, gibberish, and is starting to get the hang of Sarcasm. He claims he is able to talk to animals, but that we will never know for certain.

Is he civil/wild?: I'd say that he's pretty civil. The only time he'd probably be wild is when he accidentally drinks any form of caffeinated food or drink.

Choice of weapon?: Either his teeth or his claws, since they're a part of his body. Quick to access. But, if an object, he would def choose a stick.

Any reaction towards light/darkness?: Think of smeagol when you vision Malter, he hates sudden change of lighting (such as flashing, distracting lights). Causes him to lash out and hide. But if its like natural light, then he's not so hostile. Darkness is fine since he is able to make his eyes focus in the dark faster than any other animal. Think cat vibes, but gremlin man.

Thoughts on shinys/non shinys, dull/sharp, or soft/hard objects?: Malter really likes things that are 'reflective' kind shiny, mostly because he likes making funny faces in the reflection. Doesn't care or really pays attention to a lot of things that don't spark his interest, but he does really like the feeling of clothing fabric or animal hide in general. However, though half the time he tends to accidentally ruin it. He Doesn't like sharp objects, learned the hard way that if held an sharp object wrong = owie. As for dull, it's neutral and same goes for hard objects. He loves sleeping in nests of long grass and random fabrics/hide he most definetly stole from other people.