Pink Cocoa Cookie



2 years, 4 days ago


hi omg uh [cups you in my hands like a little frog] feeling good!! technically unicorn hot chocolate but youll probably be ruby cocoa or strawberry cocoa. unsure yet ('pink cocoa' bcos no matt what flavor she WILL be pink) BUT uhh shes just so cute WAAAH. i feel like she might be a bomber?? idk ill get back to you on it.  literally i am just skipping around the kingdom and singing to myself. In my head she moves alot like vanny security breach where she skips around and then sways when standing still. 3 marshmallows and a fuckton of sprinkles and drippy whipped cream hair (sometimes cream unicorn will show up in her dreams but she doesnt know them like at all.) A bit on the chubby side (fucking sugar content off the shits) and i could see her hanging out w cotton candy yeah. why not. sugary sweet girls with shit in their hair. cotton candy writes in the most delicate cursive you've seen and pink cocoa has fuckin chicken scratch and if you ask her to read cursive she will start crying but she will make entire attempts to read cc's letters (granted cc will look over her shoulder and gently help her when she gets caught up on something. alot of bitches in the kingdom have fancy handwriting.) 

edit: maybe pink cocoa can stay bcos pink choco cookie rlly does exist?? I always assume they called it ruby chocolate/cacao like it is but no... Maybe pink cocoa can stay it sounds cute,,,,
edit 2 for bonds: LITERALLY i gaslit myself into  thinking cotton candy was in kingdom and she isnt. literally homophobia. your honor she wants her deeply. How are they supposed to be tripping hazards writing letters on the sidewalk together is cotton candy ISNT IN THE GAME smh.......... your honor she loves her.

  • Cotton Candy Cookie: I hope the mailbox is full one day... (Admiration) Your marshmallows are as sweet as you... Oh! (Trust)
  • Cocoa Cookie: Her marshmallow is always so fluffy and soft! (Trust) ⇄ A perfectly sweet cup of cocoa! (Trust)
  • Cream Unicorn Cookie: I see them in my dreams... What does it mean? (Friendly) Come, little unicorn. Frolic with me. (Friendly)
  • Parfait Cookie: How did you do that with your mouth!? (Friendly) ⇄ I hear her singing my songs around the kingdom! (Friendly)
  • Gumball Cookie: My canon is much cooler than yours! (Friendly) ⇄ C'mon! Let's go make art together! (Friendly)