


2 years, 12 days ago


Members Name: Rose Gender: Female Age: 12 months Element: Dark Positon: Civilian (Aspires Captain of warren punishment) Apearance Size: Small-Medium Eyes: Dark, dark purple Coat: She is pure black becides her eyes. The inside of her ears are dark purple. She has a slender, fine body that is well toned. On both of her haunches she has a silver outline of a sun. Other: She has black and purple wings on her back. Her eyes are fasinating and stand out eventhough they are such a dark colour. Charecter Personality: She is vain and strict. She has a very short temper. She is a stong believer in Inle. She is a extreme worshiper. Dark magic runs in everyone of her veins. She would never harm her beloved warren but others should watch out for her. She is very reserved. She likes to keep to herself. She hates most bucks. She brings fear with her where ever she goes. Mate: Inle History: Rose has a strange twisted background. All her life she was brought up in abuse. She lived in a warren where they were all Inle worshipers. She had been repeatedly beaten and mated with againt her will. He parents didn't care, in fact they were the leaders of this warren. She was pure breed evil. Her father was of Inle's warren and her mother a mere rabbit from the material plane. Constant richuals every night brought her closer to the dark depths of Inle. She became in volved with him in every way shape and form. She was trusted by him. She had visions and spoke constantly to him. One day her parli told her that if she didn't sacrifice her kittens as an offering to the Black Rabbit of Inle then he would prove to her how strong he was. When he said this a stong power was unleashed. Something never done before. A quake they wailed but that wasn't what it was. They ran to get out but the burrows were full. Rose stood in the middle of the main burrow. Her eyes were red. Black light streamed from her. Suddenly blood poured from the walls. She let one single black tear drip from her eyes then a huge explotion from the center of the earth came and killed them all. Rose survived and lived as a hlessil for a few days until she came upon Frith's Pride Warren. Her history is undercover. She wouldn't tell anyone, that is until she met Darkwind. She became friends with her and she never cared for friends. She cared for her and helped her at times. One day Inle told Rose that Darkwind needed to kill her and then they would both go to his warren. They went and found themselves Marli-Rahs and loves of Inle. He treasured them above all others. Rose was changed. She wasn't fully rabbit when she came she was more or less the same as Darkwind in material substance. She felt great. She mated with Inle and she was a chosen Marli-Rah. Strengths: Fighting, fortelling, casting spells, stong willed weekness: Correction, unrightful blame, bucks, listening, harsh words Special Abilities: All black magic, fortelling, fly, contact with the Black Rabbit of Inle Other: She isn't someone you want to mess with