


2 years, 21 days ago



Adult | 5'10" | ??? | Ghostly Aura blood


Amanda is fairly reserved and cagey in terms of her past. Determined to leave her old life behind, but still haunted by aspects of it. For this, she comes off as paranoid and suspicious of anyone she doesn't know. She's much more of a pacifist then she was back then, and frankly she likes it that way. To those she knows and trusts, she's much more loving and caring than what initial appearances may suggest. She's also fiercely protective of them, so if someone were to mess with her children...least to say, she's much more dangerous than a mama bear.


Long ago, when Amanda was younger, she joined a mercenary group, to the dismay of most of her family. She brushed them off initially, seeing their pleas as ignorance: They didn't know what she wanted, why should she listen to them? Little did she actually know what she was really getting herself into. The group she joined usually fought or went about missions based on whoever the highest bidder instructed. Sometimes, they were plain escort missions. And sometimes...They had to fight fellow Auras, solely for amusement. Hardly was it that the group fought in the name of their species as a whole, 

It came to a head when an even higher bidder demanded they kill the ambassador for Lucia, whom they were previously instructed solely to escort. This resulted in serious in-fighting, and damaged Amanda's eye so badly she could barely see from it. After this, she left the group and fled to Umbra, refusing to be a pawn in the hands of ever-changing masters. While Black was a forbidden dye to use, she still attempted to blend in with the other Night Carriers with a deep blue dye to her wings. For a while, she did odd jobs for money...until she met her would-be husband, a worker at a chemical plant nearby. It had a shaky start, but eventually she trusted him enough to open her heart to him, and with that came marriage. Later down the line, two children were born, both night Carriers.


-Eventually got back in touch with her family in Lucia, and writes to them occasionally.

-Dealing with her Husband's issues after the accident has been...difficult due to Radiation sickness, but she's determined to work through it with him.


Breed: Day Carrier
Gem/Tier: Turquiose (High tier)
Gem Length/Age: Long - Adult
Pupils: Slit [UR]
Halo: None
Tail Growth: Ghosts (Seasonal)
Tail Length: Average (C)
Crystalline Summon: Scythe [Weapon, UR]
Mutation(s): N/A