


1 year, 11 months ago


My first widdle No Man's Sky pet! : ) I tend to think of her with she/her pronouns for no real reason. I adopted her because she was very small and cute. She bleats and makes sheepie noises! One side of her has a life support system, the other is a flashlight (torch, if ur Bri'ish), but idk if I'll draw them on her. A perky, plucky little lady who frolics very fast on the ground to keep up! Her species has sexual dimorphism - usually there's just a few spikes on the back + slightly slimmer ears instead of a spike crest + sail. Name is game-assigned if u cannot tell. I think it's funny it gave her the same name twice : )

[Species Profile]
Species: Tiny Pheobe
Gender: Vectorized
Weight/Height: 25.8kg / 0.6m (56lbs / 2')
Notes: Encountered on planet Green Pain, where they thrive in the chokingly toxic atmosphere. Their muscles are held in a state of constant tension, ready to flee at the smallest sign of danger. Their finely-tuned sense of smell draws them to the most beautiful, richly-scented flowers, which they then consume whole
Additional observations: Hidden extra claws

[Companion Profile]
Native Climate: Toxic
Weight/Height: 15.9kg / 0.4m (35lbs / 1'3")
Age: Mature
Gender: Asymptotic

Playfulness: 41% (Mischievous)
Gentleness: 70% (Placid)
Independence: 27% (Aloof)