Bao Beaglebee



2 years, 1 day ago



Name Bao Beaglebee
Called Bao, BB
Age Young Adult
Pronouns He/They
Species Curio
Race Mainlander
Guild Archeologist
Rank None
Job Barista
Registration Sheet
HTML Pinky
Owner Irios-Atelis
ARPG Group Scatterstar Isle


  • Coffee Probably
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  • Not sure what to put
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Name [ Weapon Type ]

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Name [ Weapon Type ]

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Animal Companions


Name [ Renjor ]

Having found Bao, or Bao having found her while out collecting plants one-day. The young and curious Renjor seemed curious and interested in the Curio she found. Bao gave the Renjor food and she kept coming back, eventually it seemed she was going to stay. Rather docile unless disturbed, she happily carries Bao's coffee supplies for him.


Name [ Pet ]

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Given a lot of Bao's work experience has been in some customer-service related job, he's very well-versed in dealing with all sorts of weird and high-stress situations. It's given him many a lesson in how to deal with conflict and has created a Curio who's become quite confident in his own assertive nature. Rarely, if ever aggressive; Bao has very little interest in feeding conflict but knows how to stand his ground, set and enforce boundaries.


A rather independent Curio, Bao almost always has simply had enough of people and therefore prefers to spend what time he can, doing stuff by himself. Though his communication is often very good, the communication and emotional regulation of those he's encountered is often not and therefore he simply doesn't have the energy to deal with it. While he doesn't necissarily shirk teamwork if he finds the people agreeable enough, he at least likes to have the ability or option to do things on his own.


Considered somewhat benevolent, this often manifests through this curio being relativley unobtrusive for the most part. Rather than being helpful by providing something to others, he often helps people either by not interfering even when others would for their own benefit, or by removing obstacles from the path of others. He often doesn't have the energy to deal with people where he doesn't necissarily have to, and therefore helps instead by making the path for others more smooth sailing.


Having long since had the soul drained out of him by the general public and a lot of rather entitled people, Bao often comes off to others as somewhat apathetic. Even in the height of chaos, he often remains rather detatched from his own emotions and so can be percieved by others as not really caring. Honestly, it's mostly that "greyrocking" has kinda become his default state of being in order to avoid more drama than he's aready dragged into on a regular basis.


A generally low-energy Curio, his independence factors with this to create a very noncommittal person. With a tendency to not always follow things through or do everything he says he will, Bao simply has enough to deal with that he has very little desire to force himself into situations he doesn't want to be in when he doesn't have to. Usually he's very clear about this tendency however some people are still rather put off by it, but if something becomes too much energy, Bao simply tends to find it easier to drop it and move on. As a result he tends to accomplish larger projects very slowly and at his own leisure.


[This is ongoing and can/will be added to as Bao gains new interactions with others and his backstory gets filled in a bit more.]

Bao Beaglebee started out spending many years in the customer-service industry, first in retail and then in various cafes as he grew up. His family weren't particularly wealthy and while he never went without, he still felt a pressure to support himself as soon as he could. This early introduction to the highs and lows of customer service was quite the experience for the young curio, and it took him many years to grow into the person he is today.

Curioast & Curioass

Bao Beaglebee spent many years in a coffe chain shop called Curioast. By this time his soul had pretty much been drained from his body due to the treatment of many customers (though he met many a good Curio whom he still remembers to this day). He became one of the most valued staff amongst his coworkers for his ability to deal with these people and therefore was often called-upon to deal with them. For his part, Bao did this in order to spare his more favourite collegues from the trauma of dealing with them. But the years wore on him and Bao had hated his job for long enough before he got the oppportunity to finally leave.

Travelling Barista

Finally haven been given the opportunity to leave, Bao works as a niche travelling Barista, often working at the various cafes he stays near to. Now that he's more free to choose where he goes and whom he deals with, he's found a new love of his art and seeks to learn more about it along with pursuing other hobbies. He also makes and sells his own coffee, often using the local goods to do so and has gained quite the reputation for himself. Though most of the time he likes to keep things relaxed, he's finding far more peace these days.


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  • Morbi varius libero non sem dapibus, eget viverra nisl sagittis.
  • Ut interdum mi non sagittis euismod. Suspendisse id venenatis massa.
  • Aliquam ornare, nibh sit amet interdum elementum, leo sem laoreet nibh, at sollicitudin diam ipsum eu risus.



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Name [ relationship ]

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Name [ relationship ]

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