
2 years, 11 days ago





♂ • 253 (look 20+)

MxM ONLY, any setting

Multiship, tho I am open to discussion of exclusive for AU relationships or adding another segment into his canon

Best for darker themes

Half-demon with a knack for getting under people's skin. Night acts like an unstoppable party animal and wild bully the majority of the time, but its mostly just an unhealthy coping mechanism that even he knows makes him seem like an ass. Survives on a mostly cannibalistic diet due to his demon heritage.

At least reading the first page of his character page is recommended. In his own canon he grows and changes a lot so there is a lot of wiggle room when it comes to which version of him you would rather interact with.

I am willing to negotiate on his age/which stage of life/which powers he has access to.

He is my personal favorite character to rp and in general. He can be adjusted to fit into practically any setting with relative ease.




♂ • 19-22

MxM, MxF, MxNb all acceptable, modern setting

Canonically poly but willing to be exclusive

He's certainly a creature, most likely of cat or opossum descent with some sort of demon mixed in along the way. Is generally socially awkward and shy, but he tries to act like he's not. Feels more confident when interacting with others online.

Works a part-time job at a hunting and fishing store, but is trying to start a career in being a camboy/streamer. His dream is to paid just to look cute. Wants to become a sugar baby for this reason as well, but worries about the potential age of a partner. Maybe he'll learn the potential of d/m/gilfs one day.




♀ • ?

FxM or FxNb preferred but FxF can work, historical setting

Can be exclusive

either fluffy or dark themes would work well with her

She resides in a large temple located deep within a tropical forest. Believed to be a creature sent by the gods she is worshipped by the locals as a symbol of life and growth.

Viatris is rather childish in nature as she is constantly coddled and pampered. She enjoys playing mostly harmless pranks and playing around with the humans around her. When it comes to meeting new people she can be hesitant at first but as she has not yet met someone who would wish harm upon her it's not out of fear. The quickest way to get her to warm up to you is just to shower her with attention and gifts.

While it is believed she is capable of speech she is essentially mute, choosing to express herself through more animalistic clicks, chirps, and purrs rather than talking. She however is perfectly capable of understanding human language when she feels like it and can read, though not past a basic level.

Ideal rp partners for her would be explorers, local worshippers, or deities.



Scared Cat Ghost

♀ • 24+

MxF, FxF, FxNb all fine, most settings fine

Can be exclusive

A strange combo of a banshee and poltergiest, she should be able to strike fear into the hearts of any who come across her. Yet, she's the one always running away in the end.

Janan is a ghost who can't help being anxious most of the time. Her shy nature not only shines through, but is amplified in the afterlife. What friends she does manage to make however, she is fiercely loyal to.

She is capable of reverting into a less human form and possess all of the abilities of the standard ghost as well as those from the two kinds that make her what she is.

Mostly looking to explore her more as a character. So please be prepared for possible reworks and me wanting advice on how to improve her :)


Peacock Pearl


♂ • ?

MxM or NbxM only. setting varies

Can be exclusive but idk

To use this oc in any sort of rp would require me to explain a bit of the AU I based him around. There isn't much change to canon, just some added gems and lore for pearls/organic made gems.

Era 1 Pea (hair not covering eye(s) and multi color top) is an upbeat and borderline hyper gem who is owned by a highish ranking Fluorite. Fluorites work as scouts alongside quartz soldiers and are tasked with keeping note of areas with high resources as well as anything that may pose a risk to the mission. Pearls under these Fluors act as record keepers for the most part and have a lot of freedom compared to many other pearls. Pea's Fluorite specifically supports the rebellion and is eventually exposed and shattered for it. If you choose to start in this era i would prefer a gem who is against Fluorite but is sympathetic and/or interested (either romantically or just as a possession... or both) in her pearl.

Era 2 Pea (hair completely covering face and skirt thing) has been given to an Ammolite who had to shatter her previous pearl due to its bad behavior infront of higher ups. Ammolites in the AU work as disciplinary officers specifically for manners. They mostly focus on correcting pearls as their similar make ups gives them more control over them but Ammolites can often be tasked with correcting other lower ranking gems as well. They are like the Agates of the entertainment and service gems. This new owner is particularly cruel not only because of her job but also due to her anger of having to replace the pearl she actually liked. This version of Peacock Pearl is selectively mute, choosing to focus on perfecting his work and manners in hopes that it will soften some of that anger. Starting here, the best options for partners would be either the same gem as the Era 1 partner, a higher ranking gem jaded at the fact that a lower Ammolite got a replacement pearl before they did, or another low ranking gem who sympathizes with the pearl.

Era 3 Pea (poofy shorts, hair covering one eye) is certainly a happier gem then Era 2 but he no longer has the innocence present in his original iteration. I haven't put much thought into what he would do during this era but I would love to eventually explore it. I however, would not like to start an rp during this era.

There's a lot more lore to this AU that I could get into if you are ever interested :D




♂ ♀ • AGE

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♂ ♀ • AGE

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Currently working on adding them to this list

♂ ♀ • AGE

If you are interested in any of these let me know and I'll focus on them more

Hollowsound ♂ - Warriors (Any but MxM preferred)

Lilacflame ♀ - Warriors (Any)

Blank Slate ♂ - MLP (Any)

Ash ♂ (MxM NBxM)

Shane ♂ (MxM)

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