


2 years, 11 days ago



Name: Maxim

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Species: Wolf

Positive Traits: Positive outlook, Persistent

Neutral Traits: Headstrong

Negative Traits: Untrusting

After existing in the spotlight for so long, Maxim adopted the personality equal to his role as a key enforcer, and even after being hunted into hiding, remains the same way. Keeping a positive mindset has helped Maxim get through tough situations, but sometimes his eagerness to lead ends up getting him and his team into some unfortunate circumstances.

Originally a key enforcer in a protection agency, now a mercanary in a small group. After the introduction of Hunter Units into Maxim's area, he was swiftly hunted down to be replaced to avoid any backlash, however the plan failed when the hunt was turned into a chace along the city streets, which ended with the hunter being rendered inoperable. After this encounter Maxim turned to his trusted associate Boomstick, a small hot-headed rodent who had been living in hiding for their whole life, who by chance managed to grab the hunter and reprogram them into an assistant, with the new name Tygon.

Maxim now works with Boomstick and Tygon to run jobs for cash and notoriety. On the side Maxim plays the guitar to build up some fame that he once had.

A fallen star recruited into a band of misfits taking small jobs to rebuild his presence.