Leonis Briarlore



2 years, 15 days ago


Leonis Briarlore is a DND Homebrew chararcter from a campaign inspired by the Harry Potter Universe, he's 18 and 190 cm.


KEY VIBES: Shy, Overly-Anxious, Manipulative, Perfectly Pathetic, Terrified of the world

He's the second oldest son from a family of five, their family, the 'Briarlore's are an incredibly prestigious family with rich history, the family owns a absolutely giga sized estate and have a total monopoly of all magical flora of the magical world, their children, and their childrens children, are all expected to grow up and work on the estate. However, a lot of...weird things happen on the estate, people go missing that people can't remember, people act like neglecting children is fine, man eating plants are just....allowed and normalised?

Leonis is very quiet and reserved, and socially-awkward around people. He tries his best to present himself as calm and collected but usually always fails to. He hides behind his books and glasses more often than not. He's incredibly close to his older sister, Aurora, who stopped him from getting picked on by Manen a lot as a kid. He's well aware of the memory issues and problems that are occuring at the estate, and is the primary reason his younger sister, Castor, was seen as insane by her family members. For over a decade Leonis has been in charge in ensuring his siblings don't remember or recall strange occurs in the estate, such as deaths of siblings, disappearances, strange...plant...goings-ons.... If he just plants a flower or passes an embrace onwards, everything is fine! It's for their safety, after all!

Only, he caused Manen to begin having intense memory issues, which his sister Castor cured- and now people are started to snap out of their memory-fog. He's frantic to try get things back as they were, and he'll do anything to get things that way.

 He wears cardigans and sweaters and light coloured clothes often. He wants to, in the future, work on preserving ecosystems and plantlife. Though not pictured, his cloak is a rushing river with reeds and rocks on his shoulders and his hat is covered in reeds and a small river around the brim.

He's in his fourth year at Pharxenith, the most elite magical college in the world. He's in the 'Ecodilia' house, which is purple.

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