əˈrīz (Arise)



6 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Ritual and spirit


100 Ark - ??

Current leader



ϕ "The offspring of greed and desire of the highest form." ϕ

The əˈrīz (Arise) are the manifestation of Estheiim's power. They are essentially his archangels of the new world that he intends to create. They have three forms. Normal, awakened and beast. 


Reborn from the blood of the damned, the əˈrīz have little say over their masters actions and must follow his whims and requests. They are bound to him by the Salvator's symbol that reside on their body. Each different əˈrīz has their symbol on a different place on their body. They are said to be a type of fallen angel but without being bound to Seron. All əˈrīz have red or crimson wings, the red can vary in shade and they can have markings of a different colour but they are essentially based in red. The red wings are a result of the blood in the rebirth ritual.

The first new world əˈrīz was Dextiry who was the initial test to see if Estheiim's power could form one. Each əˈrīz was first a serenei who was then (often forced) into a ritual of the old demons. This ritual consisted of drowning the said offering in blood until their body became lifeless and cold. A spokesperson or priest would recall a specific verse from the book 'liber tenebris'. This would act like a spell, the words would bind the offering to the book and their new master. When the spell had settled, the offering would be reborn from the blood with a pair (or more) of crimson wings. 

The əˈrīz often go insane from the constant voice of their master in their head. Many try to fight against this but cannot handle it. The əˈrīz would also often have unbelievably harsh pain and sound in their head if they refused to do their masters bidding, often forcing them to keel over and pass out. The sound was similar to a loud screeching noise, a bit like nails across a chalk board but more intense. The  pain however was like someone slowly carving a knife into their head and hitting their vital spots. This often caused them to give in and change their morals. Of course before the new world əˈrīz, there were willing offerings who would luckily miss out on the pain from not following orders.


O L D   W O R L D

Before the dawn of the other races of Seron, the original əˈrīz were born. A demon by the name of Aiticah seeked the throne of Seron and wanted dominion over the world. She created the book of liber tenebris which held a massive amount of her demonic power. She wrote down many incantations and spells that would be beneficial if she ever forgot them. One of these was for the əˈrīz. She also created the blood ritual and her willing followers happily volunteered to become the first of her angels. In time she created an army of these angels to battle Seron's archangels. One day she stormed the heavens with her minions and battled Seron's first gods. Halfway through out the battle, when she noticed Seron wasn't there, she became even more enraged, screaming for the god to appear. When her whims were not answered, the other gods took this advantage to end her madness. They ended her life and with that her angels were also destroyed. When the final blow was given, the book in her robes fell from the heavens and onto the earth below. The other gods didn't notice this as they were too busy making sense of the situation and licking their wounds. Over time, the book started to rot into the earth and over thousands and thousands of years it eventually found its way into the soil of an abandoned temple.


  • An əˈrīz must have at least some form or red on their wings and hair. This is due to the blood and cannot be removed. Some  əˈrīz have the power to cut off the red in their hair, but most do not.
  • All əˈrīz also must have red wings. They don't necessarily need completely red wings, they can be a mixture of two different colour. (For example red and black or red and gold).
  • An əˈrīz only fully has red hair when they have been completely taken over by their master.