


2 years, 3 days ago



LvL 74 • Lonely • Somewhat Stubborn • Leafeon • 5'09''

Indigo used to be a very happy, energetic, and curious leafeon. He would be very adventurous and brave, rescuing other pokemons as he was a part of a PMD team!! He even looked like your average leafeon! But that was before he met HER. After that encounter, Indigo basically forgot who they were, changed appearance, and became powerful and immortal. (And also went to another dimension wow.) Indigo has the power to shift through time and dimensions, change reality, and even the power to break the fourth wall. All he wants is to go back home, to his beloved. Then he met Violet. They became friends, making him less depressed! That is until something happened to Violet and he got a different design (the current one). And now sometimes he’s annoyed by Violet and has to take care of her, leaving his mission to find home behind…

Indigo has terrible anxiety and PTSD that keeps them awake all the time. He sometimes sees flashbacks of their old life when hanging out with Violet (usually when they argue). The indigo purple leaves deteriorate the more Indigo gets stressed and angry. Which implies that the original leafeon plant leafs are still, somewhat there. The leaves are very sharp edged and triangular. Indigo usually sticks to the bandanna he’s wearing unless it’s washing, then he’d just use the pink scarf OR it’s cold and he uses the cloak. Indigo really doesn’t mind what pronouns to use (altho they/them or he/him is preferred, but sometimes likes it when she/her is used). He has a stronger attraction to guys than girls, altho isn’t looking for a romantic partner bc he has someone special back home~

Design Notes

  • Face patterns can change colors/shape
  • Arrows on leaves can be white/dark indigo to represent "on" and "off"
  • Neck accessories are always optional
  • He has an average build?
  • "Power On" design isn't that consistent
  • Has short straight hair/fur
  • deadpan, RARELY shows emotions


  • Hates coffee but drinks it to stay awake
  • Does not enjoy eating
  • Hates cockroaches
  • Likes to stargaze and sit in nature
  • Likes professional clothing
  • Always stressed, doesn't remember how to relax

Power/Ability Info

Moveset: iron tail, razor leaf, psychic, shadow ball. Has the power to change pokemon types, along with changing movesets. This is very exhausting to do and he barely ever does it. As mentioned before, Indigo has the power to change dimensions, time, and reality. He can only do this in "power mode". Occasionally breaks the 4th wall. Power on mode: OP, insanely strong, freak of nature, max stats, max level, all types. Think Super Sonic, Mob 100%, mega evolution almost. It's a transformation using an extreme amount of power that leaves him depleted after using. Only uses it when Violet is in danger.


Osiris Acquaintance

Indigo finds Osiris pretty annoying. They don't want anything to do with Osiris. Indigo thinks that Ozzy is just copying him, by being all deadpan and quiet and whatnot. Osiris keeps telling them that she has something to tell him but Indigo won't listen!!

Cobalt One sided "friendship"

Cobalt seemingly loves Indigo but the feelings aren't mutual. Indigo doesn't hate Cobalt, but she doesn't like him either. He does not like being near Cobalt at all. They usually find Cobalt annoying and rude.

Fuchsia Friend?

Indigo sort of likes Sia as a friend. But he doesn't want to. He feels as if he'll ruin the friendship anyway so there's no point in getting closer with Fuchsia. Indigo does secretly admire Fuchsia's fashion sense.

PKN Acquaintance

PKN and Indigo aren't close. They don't talk to each other that much. They might even dislike each other a bit?


  • New Person, Same Old Mistakes - Tame Impala
  • Love/Paranoia - Tame Impala
  • Freakazoid - Silversun Pickups
  • Future Foe Scenarios - Silversun Pickups
  • I'm a Wreck - AWOLNATION

Meta Information

  • Created 6/24/20 appearently
  • I was feeling disconnected with my sona (at the time) and used Future Forrest as a sona. But I was STILL unsatisifed so enter Indigo's creation.
  • Overtime the design and lore changed, the lore being connected to real life events kinda?
  • Fun fact: I have created a tiny itty bitty Indigo figure with clay :3
  • Indigo was originally supposed to be PKN-133's mascot but this is before I had any online accounts. I was just planning ahead!
  • I felt disconnected from the character for a while until I revived him in 2021 but made him a fullfledged sona in like May 2022!!!