


6 years, 4 months ago


 -- basics ━━

name: alarune

sometimes referred to as 'the child of calamity'

gender: male

sexuality: asexual

age: twenty-one

 -- personality ━━

as someone who had his childhood stripped away from him, alarune is filled with rage. always disgruntled to some extent, he is...... a grumpy baby who never really got the chance to grow up! when he was damned by the diety of calamity, it awakened a deep rage inside him that is indistinguishable when sparked. he will often go into a mad fury if pressured to a breaking point. 

despite his anger, he is still childish to a larger extent! he is naive, curious and refuses help, thinking he is independent (what a loser..........)

there is a certain duality to him - his white half symbolises a forlorn childhood, while his black is the anger that sustains his every move.

 -- history ━━

alarune and his half-brother (older) vaelnir lived in the remote village ashnesiris. their village was isolated from the rest of the world, so when his foreign mother birthed him, he was immediately disliked by the conservative community. he was bullied for this reason, though vaelnir always stood up for + protected him. he always aspired to be like him. his brother meant the world to him. 

when he was ten the diety of calamity was awakened, and he is led to believe his brother, who disappeared days before, awakened it. calamity destroys the entire village but by some means, spares him. however, calamity does curse him, and plants some of his essence inside of him. his once white hair turns black + white, and his right eyes turns red. his once small centipede tattoo grows and envelops a large portion of his body - he receives several scars from the destruction of his home, and a deep hatred for calamity is born, trumped only by another grudge - against vaelnir. 

 -- memoir ━━

alarune does not fall into depression, but instead is fuelled by his rage for vaelnir. he journeys to find him and take his head, terrorising anyone who stands in his way. any diety he stumbles upon judges him as damned, but he subdues them before they can lay their curse. unknowingly, he becomes everything he hated, and exactly what calamity wanted him to be. 

when he does find vaelnir, he strives to kill him, but is never able to succeed. after some events, they begin to travel together, accompanied by valefor. he does not discover the truth behind the destruction of his village until much later on. 

he is irritated at vaelnir's lingering protectiveness over him, but deep down likes it a little.

he thinks valefor is an interesting guy and is a blast to be around, but is not romantically interested. like at all. he just doesnt care. 

 -- legacy ━━

calamity still haunts him even after the diety is forced back into slumber, as there are still traces of it inside him. he struggles to suppress the demons in his head and his fickle temperament is allayed only by the level-headed vaelnir. 

 -- other ━━

whdukhbcjnd wip!!

 -- commission notes ━━

his centipede tattoo is capable of moving around his body, but mostly stays around his neck/facial area. he can also make the tattoo slink off his body + enlargen it to use as a weapon!

feel free to draw him with any type of gold jewellery! he likes to wear large, circular earrings.

feel free to draw him in different hairstyles!!!! i love alternate hairdos awihxkjnad

please draw him in his first outfit unless specified otherwise! (main ref)