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Guitarist, Eco-activist, Party Animal

Her band-mates might have a hard time getting ahold of her since "Cell phones are too main stream," but she'll never miss a show. Of course, that won't stop her from using someone else's phone to take a selfie with them! 

Has a driver's license but refuses to own a car. Bikes everywhere or takes public transportation to lower her carbon footprint. Knows exactly how to recycle everything and drives her roommates nuts by reminding them what shouldn't be simply tossed in the trash. Knows all the best places to shop for cute clothes made out of recycled or reclaimed fibers and fabrics. She will absolutely judge you if you shop anywhere else.

Despite her small size, she can drink most people under the table. She won't brag about it (not until after she's done it, wouldn't want to ruin the element of surprise) and she'll definitely take bets on it.

Most will agree she's an acquired taste, but the friends she's made adore her.

The charm attached to her choker necklace is a guitar pick she got from her first metal concert.