Yokai 馃懟



2 years, 14 days ago

Basic Info


MYO Grav 23






He / Him




Song List

Main Theme OneRepublic - Counting Stars

Chill Theme 30 Seconds to Mars - Live Like a Dream

Serious Theme STARSET - ECHO

路 路 路 Introduction 路 路 路

Yokai is a calm and collected gravent that loves the paranormal world in general and is convinced that demons, ghosts and cryptids can be friends and not just enemies or unwanted hosts as long as they don't cause too much troubles; when that happens, Yokai will intervene and exorcise the entity away.


  • Singing and writing poetry and songs
  • Rainy and windy weather
  • Poltergeists
  • The smell of the grass


  • Deadlines and rush
  • Dancing
  • Physical confrontation
  • Skepticism

路 路 路 Personality 路 路 路

Yokai is very easy going, and likes company even if he's seen alone most of the times. He cares about what others think about him even if he tries not to show it and so he keeps the distance to people because most believes he's cursed and brings bad luck. Despite that he likes to help others and does it even if this means neglecting himself.

聽Positive Trait

Yokai loves harmony, especially among groups of people, a true pacifist that aspires at reaching true happiness but not just for him.

聽Negative Trait

Yokai is a huge procrastinator: he's convinced that the way will show itself when the time comes and lives his life in a passive manner, waiting for a chance to show up rather than looking for one actively.

聽Neutral Trait

Yokai is very empathetic and this makes him a very passionate individual. One that follows his hearth more than his mind.

聽Neutral Trait

he's very creative but his stories aren't exacly filled with action, he prefers introspection and peace. The same applies with his songs, he prefers melodies that gives a sense of meditation and calm.

路 路 路 Stats 路 路 路









聽路 路 路聽

Your way will reveal itself in front of you eventually

路 路 路 Trivia 路 路 路

Excellent singer and storyteller that writes stories and songs based on his adventures
Wears a taoist talisman on his forehead like a Jangshi
His favorite color is grey
Extremely sensitive to paranormal events
Believes in destiny and that everything has a soul
Had actually seen an evil spirit

路 路 路 Backstory 路 路 路

When Aster was created and spawn as a wormling, he found himself near the sea and under a starry, well-lit night sky, before taking off to work its way along the edges of the sea to hopefully find himself the perfect host and wished that he'd find it soon, minutes turned to hours and so far, he wasn't having any luck finding a proper host to claim as his form so he could finally enjoy the starry night skies properly without a time limit.

That was, until he saw what looked like a shard of a meteor streaking through the darkened, star filled skies towards the earth until it crash landed within the forest nearby, quickly, the wormling slithered its way in the direction of the wreckage of where the meteor shard should've landed and was met with the sight of the space rock buried within the charred ground and, sadly, a passed on Albatross that just couldn't get away in time before the meteor shard pierced it and claimed its life.

But, he took this as a sign from the world and carefully claimed the Albatross' body as a host and the transformation was a success. The Newborn CCCat, as it rose to its feet, saw a blue and white coat of fur gleefully crawl itself along his form and that blue coat of his sparkled like the night skies that he looked up towards. From then on, it decided to give itself the name of Aster. To this day, he was able to harvest some of the meteoric shard and turn it into piece to clip onto a collar.

路 路 路 The Blood Moon 路 路 路

What was supposed to be another ordinary day for the star-coated CCCat turned out to be a moment pulled straight out of a horror movie that people like to describe for scary scenes within then, the moon turned red and drenched the whole town in a light blanket of non-wavering crimson. A Blood Mood.

Aster had known about Blood Moons and heard the rumors about blood moons causing side effects to certain kinds of beings and whatnot but never believed in them, until he watched his friend Cryptic lose her mind. As they were just relaxing in his home as the blood moon as Aster had plans with meeting up with the Ex-Vampire Lord Rieze disaster decided to rear its ugly head..

The Blood Moon's corruptive magic snaked its hold upon the Cannibal CCCat Cryptic who lost her mind and went to strike out against Aster, fearing for his life he fled from his friend and went to hide in the Castle where Rieze resided. It was only when the castle's front doors were opened allowed two new CCCats to be seen by the group bar one. Nights and Finnigan. Finding out later on, Finnigan purposely wounded himself to knock out Cryptic to his knowledge, (that Aster tells him that she woke up soon after being released into the castle), and Nights whom was a hunter CCCat that has been wanting to claim Rieze's eyes as his trophy.

路 路 路 The War Against Ivan 路 路 路

It was months later that finally Aster, Finnigan, Vayne, Cryptic, and Rieze would all gather together after being warned about the impending doom of a old, old rival of Rieze's that seemed to've been showing signs of waking up and getting ready to cause destruction..

That 'Walking Destruction' was Ivan. A monster of a CCCat that had plate-like scales over his body and was incredibly powerful.. People like Rieze, Finnigan, and even Cryptic were struggling to even lay harm to the Hungering Void that was Ivan and each of them were powerful in their own rights. It took nearly loosing his best friends, Finnigan, to his berserking state and Rieze going to his full power before finally Ivan fell and so did Finnigan.

It was like living through a nightmare that day as many lives were lost, many buildings were destroyed, and all of his friends had gotten hurt trying their best to keep each other and everyone else safe and sound from Ivan's seemingly endless assault.

路 路 路 Links 路 路 路

Starlight Laurier

The love of his life and one half of who he shares his love, adoration, and enjoyments with. Whenever Aster wants to do more studying about the stars or learn more about their other partner, Komodo, Starlight's usually stuck to the CCCat's side helping OR just simply being there to keep a liveliness in the air.

Komodo Laurier

At first, he was surprised by how tall Komodo was, but shocked at how gentle she was around Starlight and even himself although they were strangers. But, after Starlight proposed to the two of them at the same time a lot has changed. Since then, he enjoys hearing all kinds of stories Komodo talks about or her experience finding pretty geodes! And they enjoy the peace between themselves.

Best Friend
Finnigan "Finer" Knox

Finnigan has done a lot to help assist and change large parts of Aster's life, from aiding him in fending off Ivan, to creating a two story Observatory on the beach JUST for himself and co-workers, to eventually meeting Starlight. There's so much that this CCCat has done for him!

Best Friend
Rieze Lucarad

Aster thinks he haven't made a good first impression on him at first: It was just Aster asking questions about Rieze's life and powers after all. But then they got closer because of the common interest in space and astronomical events and Aster helped Rieze with his knowledge.
Someone says that despite his appearance and attitude Rieze is still a dangerous creature but aster don't get why he should be frightened: he says people fear what they don't know, and he knows his friend.

code by 00Ishikawa00