
2 years, 21 days ago


Name: Alyssa Grey 

Nicknames:  Ally 

Age: 9-15

Race: angel 

weapon: sword 

Gender: girl 

Bio sex: female 

Sexuality: straight 

Occupation: N/A

Magic/skill set: ice magic, sword fighting 


She's very sarcastic, but has a bombastic personality. She thinks she's smarter than everyone else and is a very confident person for the most part. She gets annoyed very easily, and enjoys having fun. She won't often show she cares about people, at least not through words. She doesn't cry a lot, instead of crying she'll angrily sit in a corner and sulk 


She has pale skin, white wings, pale blue, long  hair and pale pink eyes. 

She mainly wears a white shirt with a little pocket with a heart on it, white socks, blue sneakers and a dark blue skirt 

.♠What does she do?♠

She is a child that lives with the ShootingStars, they take care of her and teach her how to use magic properly. Eventually she learns to fight as well 


  • ice cream 
  • snails 
  • sea shells 
  • sharks 
  • the beach 
  • bedtime stories 
  • apple pie 
  • hugs 


  • hot weather 
  • pickles 
  • wasps and bees 
  • being yelled at 
  • people who cry a lot 
  • being told she can't know things cos she's young