Bot Battalion



2 years, 21 days ago


a group of robots made by a villain each with a special skill (from right to left)

Black Bomber: runs up to the hero slowly then explodes. likes short walks on the beach 

Electromagnet: shoots lightning bolts at the hero. thinks theyre the smartest member of the battalion 

Peptalk: amps up bots around them making their attacks more powerful. supportive of others choices regardless of their choices

Bulb: Floats up and down firing a laser from their eye. good with kids

Flatscreen: stores a blaster in the monitor that fires a slow moving projectile. likes to think theyre more than cannon fodder

Quickshot: Runs quickly at the hero and explodes dealing major damage. talks just as fast as they move

Roller: tucks their limbs in and rolls at the hero. easygoing nature

Pincher: if the hero jumps over them they shoot their claw up and pinch them. Least effective member of the team but most effective at being cute

High Alert: alerts nearby bots to the heros position and can fire cannons out of the sides of their head. loves cartoons

Acid Bath: Spits corrosive acid at the hero. as the only member of the battalion that can eat they really enjoy food