INV Knowhere




Main art by me


foundation x foundation


purple roan splash brindle gulastra


13 hh

This tölter was born before the reclassification of the Icelandic Bear Run Tölter breed standard & renaming of the breed to the Töfratré Icelandic Tölter. Tölters born before the change are called 'legacy' tölters.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you,” perfectly sums up Knowhere's relationship with 'her' humans. She is extremely loyal to her humans and refuses to co-operate with anyone else - and if they try to force her she shuts them out completely. For her humans she will do anything, no matter the pressure of the situation, and do it willingly.


If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be

Rather Be by Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne

Story: The Sapphire
Featuring: Knowhere & Brindabella

"Knowhere?!" Brindabella cried as she burst into their pasture, a flurry of multi-toned hair and golden hooves. She barely gave her human a chance to say goodbye, much to their surprise! Brindy was always extremely affectionate but today she was a mare on a mission. Knowhere called back to her from the other end of the pasture, watching the little red-and-brown rocket speeding towards her with amusement. "She's excited about something," the purple roan mare thought with a smile.

"Slow down, my love," Knowhere soothed, her eyes dancing with amusement. The two touched noses - brindy rather quickly - before the little mare exploded with her story. "The red-haired human, Ari, she had- .. It was really, really blue .. Sparkling .. Around her neck .." she wheezed, eventually realizing she really should have caught her breath properly first and stopping to calm her breathing. Knowhere took this time to piece together what her friend meant. "Do you mean.." she said while still half in thought, "The sapphire?"

"Sapphire? So that's what it is!" Brindabella exclaimed, almost launching into the air with excitement. Knowhere chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm and then her face turned wistful as she thought of the beautiful sapphire pendant that hung around Ari's neck. "Yes, it is something isn't it," she sighed, "I wouldn't mind a halter adorned with those.. They're apparently common around here, you know. That's what I hear from the others." Invergowrie had a good relationship with the community and Knowhere took full advantage of any meetups she was brought to, getting the latest news and just in general exchanging information. "Why haven't I heard of them before?" Brindabella thought out loud. "Sorry," she smiled sheepishly at knowhere, not wanting to offend her by being impolite, and decided to explain, "It's just.. they remind me of my mother. Her eyes." Knowhere nodded with a sympathetic, "Ah," and started softly grooming her friend. brindy had told Knowhere of her mother before, and it was only now that Knowhere understood the significance of the sapphire to Brindabella. Brindabella leant into the grooming and went quiet, her mind and heart elsewhere.

While grooming Brindabella Knowhere was also in thought. She stopped when she felt that Brindabella was relaxed again and gave the mare a gentle nudge. "Would you like a sapphire to remind you of your mother? You could keep it with you," she offered, trying to spark up Brindabella's energy again. "Yes, please! I could have one?" Brindabella asked with big puppy-dog eyes. It worked, the little mare was recharged and ready for adventure. "Well, I did say they were common around here, didn't I?" Knowhere quipped with a smile, and so began the hunt for a sapphire and Brindy's introduction to the world of fossicking!

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breeding slots


x A Jovial Champion
purple roan splash tobiano



x Nefndur
silver bay roan brindle



x INV Boulder
silver bay splash



x INV Boulder
silver black roan brindle splash


INV Bondi

x INV Boulder
silver bay roan splash

reserved for me

with INV Boulder
(confirmed brindle; possible coat ideas)

reserved for me

with INV Boulder
(confirmed brindle and gulastra; possible coat ideas)