Linrey Ronjy



2 years, 8 days ago


  • 37 years old
  • have a pair
  • Family: mother, father
She has undergone hard training to become a warrior and pass a tough selection for the place of a court knight. She is good with a light sword, and she prefers it. She has no magical abilities, but is interested in collecting and studying magic books and artifacts, because with their help you can greatly improve weapons, armor, or resort to them in a difficult situation to get out of it.
Linrey was brought up as a "good girl", which made it difficult for her to defend her opinion for a long time, argue with her elders, go against the will of more experienced people. Over time, due to the events experienced, the girl became more firm and courageous, developed a commanding tone, confident gait. Most of the time, Linrey behaves friendly when communicating, but if her interests are pinched, be prepared for a sharp change in mood and voice.

At the moment, Ronji is the head of the Alliance in Norfox. The girl is loyal to her subordinates, tries to be understanding and fair. She respects and honors the traditions of the Estate, considering it her direct duty to preserve peace and order in it. Most of all, Linrey is afraid that one day she will not be needed again, which is why she sometimes becomes callous towards others for no good reason.